Easiest.pm   [plain text]

# $Header: /home/fergal/my/cvs/Exporter-Easy/lib/Exporter/Easiest.pm,v 1.5 2003/02/13 13:09:15 fergal Exp $
# Be lean.
use strict;
no strict 'refs';

package Exporter::Easiest;

require 5.006;

require Exporter::Easy;

sub import
	my $pkg = shift;

	my $callpkg = caller(0);

	@_ = ($callpkg, parse_spec(@_));

	goto &Exporter::Easy::set_export_vars;

sub parse_spec
	# maybe we were passed a string or an array of strings, allow both

	my @spec = grep { /\S/ } map { split(/\s+/) } @_;

	my %spec;

	my $key = "";

	while (@spec)
		my $new_key = shift @spec;
		my $arrow = shift @spec;
		$arrow = "" unless defined($arrow);
		die "Expected '=>' not '$arrow' after $new_key" unless ($arrow eq '=>');

		if ($new_key =~ s/^://)
			# if the new key starts with a : then it and the following list are
			# pushed onto the TAGS entry

			push(@{$spec{TAGS}}, $new_key, suck_list(\@spec));
			$key = $new_key;

			# VARS and ISA should aren't necessarily a list

				($key =~ /^(VARS|ISA)$/ and $spec[0] =~ /^\d+$/) or
				($key eq 'ALL')
				$spec{$key} = shift @spec;
				$spec{$key} = suck_list(\@spec);

	return %spec;

sub suck_list
	# takes a ref to a list and removes elements from the front of the list
	# until the list is empty or it's 2 shift away from removing a =>

	# returns a ref to a list of the removed list elements

	my $list = shift;

	my @sucked;

	while (@$list)
		if ($#$list and ($list->[1] eq '=>'))
			push(@sucked, shift(@$list));

	return \@sucked;

=head1 NAME

Exporter::Easiest - Takes even more drudgery out of Exporting symbols


In module YourModule.pm:

  package YourModule;
  use Exporter::Easiest q(
    EXPORT => :tag1
    OK => munge frobnicate
   	:tag1 => a b c 
   	:tag2 => :tag1 d e f
    FAIL => f g h

In other files which wish to use YourModule:

  use ModuleName qw(frobnicate);      # import listed symbols
  frobnicate ($left, $right)          # calls YourModule::frobnicate


The Exporter::Easiest module is a wrapper around Exporter::Easy. It allows
you to pass the arguments into Exporter::Easy without all those tiresome []s
and qw()s. You pass arguments in as a string or an array of strings. You no
longer need to bracket lists or take references. If want, you can also leave
out the TAGS key and just put tag definitions along with the other keys.

The important thing to remember is that tags should be preceded by ':'
everywhere, including to the left of the '=>', otherwise it'll get confused.
And don't worry I haven't done something horribly pythonesque, whitespace is
not significant, all the parsing logic revolves around the use of ':'s and

=head1 SEE ALSO

For the real details on exporting symbols see Exporter and Exporter::Easy

=head1 AUTHOR

Written by Fergal Daly <fergal@esatclear.ie>.

=head1 LICENSE

Under the same license as Perl itself
