use strict; use Test::More; plan skip_all => "Pod coverage tests are not active. Please set \$ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING} to activate." unless $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}; eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.06"; plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage 1.06 required for testing POD coverage" if $@; # Doesn't this show you why the pod-coverage Kwalitee metric is bull? my $covered = [ map { qr/\A$_\z/ } qw( compare constant create create_b64 create_bin create_from_name create_from_name_b64 create_from_name_bin create_from_name_hex create_from_name_str create_hex create_str from_b64string from_hexstring from_string new to_b64string to_hexstring to_string )]; all_pod_coverage_ok({also_private => $covered });