use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Exception; use Try::Tiny; use File::Path 'rmtree'; use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader 'make_schema_at'; use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Utils 'split_name'; use String::ToIdentifier::EN::Unicode 'to_identifier'; use namespace::clean; use lib qw(t/lib); use dbixcsl_common_tests (); use dbixcsl_test_dir '$tdir'; use constant EXTRA_DUMP_DIR => "$tdir/informix_extra_dump"; # to support " quoted identifiers BEGIN { $ENV{DELIMIDENT} = 'y' } # This test doesn't run over a shared memory connection, because of the single connection limit. my $dsn = $ENV{DBICTEST_INFORMIX_DSN} || ''; my $user = $ENV{DBICTEST_INFORMIX_USER} || ''; my $password = $ENV{DBICTEST_INFORMIX_PASS} || ''; my ($schema, $extra_schema); # for cleanup in END for extra tests my $tester = dbixcsl_common_tests->new( vendor => 'Informix', auto_inc_pk => 'serial primary key', null => '', default_function => 'current year to fraction(5)', default_function_def => 'datetime year to fraction(5) default current year to fraction(5)', dsn => $dsn, user => $user, password => $password, loader_options => { preserve_case => 1 }, quote_char => '"', data_types => { # # Numeric Types 'int' => { data_type => 'integer' }, integer => { data_type => 'integer' }, int8 => { data_type => 'bigint' }, bigint => { data_type => 'bigint' }, serial => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1 }, bigserial => { data_type => 'bigint', is_auto_increment => 1 }, serial8 => { data_type => 'bigint', is_auto_increment => 1 }, smallint => { data_type => 'smallint' }, real => { data_type => 'real' }, smallfloat => { data_type => 'real' }, # just 'double' is a syntax error 'double precision' => { data_type => 'double precision' }, float => { data_type => 'double precision' }, 'float(1)' => { data_type => 'double precision' }, 'float(5)' => { data_type => 'double precision' }, 'float(10)' => { data_type => 'double precision' }, 'float(15)' => { data_type => 'double precision' }, 'float(16)' => { data_type => 'double precision' }, numeric => { data_type => 'numeric' }, decimal => { data_type => 'numeric' }, dec => { data_type => 'numeric' }, 'numeric(6,3)' => { data_type => 'numeric', size => [6,3] }, 'decimal(6,3)' => { data_type => 'numeric', size => [6,3] }, 'dec(6,3)' => { data_type => 'numeric', size => [6,3] }, # Boolean Type # XXX this should map to 'boolean' boolean => { data_type => 'smallint' }, # Money Type money => { data_type => 'money' }, 'money(3,3)' => { data_type => 'numeric', size => [3,3] }, # Byte Type byte => { data_type => 'bytea', original => { data_type => 'byte' } }, # Character String Types char => { data_type => 'char', size => 1 }, 'char(3)' => { data_type => 'char', size => 3 }, character => { data_type => 'char', size => 1 }, 'character(3)' => { data_type => 'char', size => 3 }, 'varchar(3)' => { data_type => 'varchar', size => 3 }, 'character varying(3)' => { data_type => 'varchar', size => 3 }, # XXX min size not supported, colmin from syscolumns is NULL 'varchar(3,2)' => { data_type => 'varchar', size => 3 }, 'character varying(3,2)' => { data_type => 'varchar', size => 3 }, nchar => { data_type => 'nchar', size => 1 }, 'nchar(3)' => { data_type => 'nchar', size => 3 }, 'nvarchar(3)' => { data_type => 'nvarchar', size => 3 }, 'nvarchar(3,2)' => { data_type => 'nvarchar', size => 3 }, 'lvarchar(3)' => { data_type => 'lvarchar', size => 3 }, 'lvarchar(33)' => { data_type => 'lvarchar', size => 33 }, text => { data_type => 'text' }, # DateTime Types date => { data_type => 'date' }, 'date default today' => { data_type => 'date', default_value => \'today' }, # XXX support all precisions 'datetime year to fraction(5)', => { data_type => 'datetime year to fraction(5)' }, 'datetime year to fraction(5) default current year to fraction(5)', => { data_type => 'datetime year to fraction(5)', default_value => \'current year to fraction(5)' }, # XXX do interval # Blob Types # XXX no way to distinguish opaque types boolean, blob and clob blob => { data_type => 'blob' }, clob => { data_type => 'blob' }, # IDSSECURITYLABEL Type # # This requires the DBSECADM privilege and a security policy on the # table, things I know nothing about. # idssecuritylabel => { data_type => 'idssecuritylabel' }, # List Types # XXX need to introspect element type too 'list(varchar(20) not null)' => { data_type => 'list' }, 'multiset(varchar(20) not null)' => { data_type => 'multiset' }, 'set(varchar(20) not null)' => { data_type => 'set' }, }, extra => { count => 26 * 2, run => sub { ($schema) = @_; SKIP: { skip 'Set the DBICTEST_INFORMIX_EXTRADB_DSN, _USER and _PASS environment variables to run the multi-database tests', 26 * 2 unless $ENV{DBICTEST_INFORMIX_EXTRADB_DSN}; $extra_schema = $schema->clone; $extra_schema->connection(@ENV{map "DBICTEST_INFORMIX_EXTRADB_$_", qw/DSN USER PASS/ }); my $dbh1 = $schema->storage->dbh; $dbh1->do(<<'EOF'); CREATE TABLE informix_loader_test4 ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, value VARCHAR(100) ) EOF $dbh1->do(<<'EOF'); CREATE TABLE informix_loader_test5 ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, value VARCHAR(100), four_id INTEGER REFERENCES informix_loader_test4 (id) ) EOF $dbh1->do(<<'EOF'); ALTER TABLE informix_loader_test5 ADD CONSTRAINT UNIQUE (four_id) CONSTRAINT loader_test5_uniq EOF my $db1 = db_name($schema); $dbh1->disconnect; my $dbh2 = $extra_schema->storage->dbh; $dbh2->do(<<'EOF'); CREATE TABLE informix_loader_test5 ( pk SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, value VARCHAR(100), four_id INTEGER ) EOF $dbh2->do(<<'EOF'); ALTER TABLE informix_loader_test5 ADD CONSTRAINT UNIQUE (four_id) CONSTRAINT loader_test5_uniq EOF $dbh2->do(<<"EOF"); CREATE TABLE informix_loader_test6 ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, value VARCHAR(100) ) EOF $dbh2->do(<<"EOF"); CREATE TABLE informix_loader_test7 ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, value VARCHAR(100), six_id INTEGER UNIQUE REFERENCES informix_loader_test6 (id) ) EOF my $db2 = db_name($extra_schema); $dbh2->disconnect; my $db1_moniker = join '', map ucfirst lc, split_name to_identifier $db1; my $db2_moniker = join '', map ucfirst lc, split_name to_identifier $db2; foreach my $db_schema ({ $db1 => '%', $db2 => '%' }, { '%' => '%' }) { lives_and { my @warns; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warns, $_[0] unless $_[0] =~ /\bcollides\b/ || $_[0] =~ /unreferencable/; }; make_schema_at( 'InformixMultiDatabase', { naming => 'current', db_schema => $db_schema, dump_directory => EXTRA_DUMP_DIR, quiet => 1, }, [ $dsn, $user, $password ], ); InformixMultiDatabase->storage->disconnect; diag join "\n", @warns if @warns; is @warns, 0; } "dumped schema for databases $db1 and $db2 with no warnings"; my $test_schema; lives_and { ok $test_schema = InformixMultiDatabase->connect($dsn, $user, $password); } 'connected test schema'; my ($rsrc, $rs, $row, $rel_info, %uniqs); lives_and { ok $rsrc = $test_schema->source("InformixLoaderTest4"); } 'got source for table in database one'; is try { $rsrc->column_info('id')->{is_auto_increment} }, 1, 'column in database one'; is try { $rsrc->column_info('value')->{data_type} }, 'varchar', 'column in database one'; is try { $rsrc->column_info('value')->{size} }, 100, 'column in database one'; lives_and { ok $rs = $test_schema->resultset("InformixLoaderTest4"); } 'got resultset for table in database one'; lives_and { ok $row = $rs->create({ value => 'foo' }); } 'executed SQL on table in database one'; $rel_info = try { $rsrc->relationship_info("informix_loader_test5") }; is_deeply $rel_info->{cond}, { 'foreign.four_id' => '' }, 'relationship in database one'; is $rel_info->{attrs}{accessor}, 'single', 'relationship in database one'; is $rel_info->{attrs}{join_type}, 'LEFT', 'relationship in database one'; lives_and { ok $rsrc = $test_schema->source("${db1_moniker}InformixLoaderTest5"); } 'got source for table in database one'; %uniqs = try { $rsrc->unique_constraints }; is keys %uniqs, 2, 'got unique and primary constraint in database one'; delete $uniqs{primary}; is_deeply ((values %uniqs)[0], ['four_id'], 'correct unique constraint in database one'); lives_and { ok $rsrc = $test_schema->source("InformixLoaderTest6"); } 'got source for table in database two'; is try { $rsrc->column_info('id')->{is_auto_increment} }, 1, 'column in database two introspected correctly'; is try { $rsrc->column_info('value')->{data_type} }, 'varchar', 'column in database two introspected correctly'; is try { $rsrc->column_info('value')->{size} }, 100, 'column in database two introspected correctly'; lives_and { ok $rs = $test_schema->resultset("InformixLoaderTest6"); } 'got resultset for table in database two'; lives_and { ok $row = $rs->create({ value => 'foo' }); } 'executed SQL on table in database two'; $rel_info = try { $rsrc->relationship_info('informix_loader_test7') }; is_deeply $rel_info->{cond}, { 'foreign.six_id' => '' }, 'relationship in database two'; is $rel_info->{attrs}{accessor}, 'single', 'relationship in database two'; is $rel_info->{attrs}{join_type}, 'LEFT', 'relationship in database two'; lives_and { ok $rsrc = $test_schema->source("InformixLoaderTest7"); } 'got source for table in database two'; %uniqs = try { $rsrc->unique_constraints }; is keys %uniqs, 2, 'got unique and primary constraint in database two'; delete $uniqs{primary}; is_deeply ((values %uniqs)[0], ['six_id'], 'correct unique constraint in database two'); } } }, }, ); if( !$dsn ) { $tester->skip_tests('You need to set the DBICTEST_INFORMIX_DSN, _USER, and _PASS environment variables'); } else { $tester->run_tests(); } sub db_name { my $schema = shift; # When we clone the schema, it still references the original loader, which # references the original schema. local $schema->loader->{schema} = $schema; return $schema->loader->_current_db; $schema->storage->disconnect; } END { if (not $ENV{SCHEMA_LOADER_TESTS_NOCLEANUP}) { if (my $dbh2 = try { $extra_schema->storage->dbh }) { try { $dbh2->do('DROP TABLE informix_loader_test7'); $dbh2->do('DROP TABLE informix_loader_test6'); $dbh2->do('DROP TABLE informix_loader_test5'); } catch { die "Error dropping test tables: $_"; }; $dbh2->disconnect; } if (my $dbh1 = try { $schema->storage->dbh }) { try { $dbh1->do('DROP TABLE informix_loader_test5'); $dbh1->do('DROP TABLE informix_loader_test4'); } catch { die "Error dropping test tables: $_"; }; $dbh1->disconnect; } rmtree EXTRA_DUMP_DIR; } } # vim:et sts=4 sw=4 tw=0: