02-Film.t   [plain text]

use strict;
use Test::More;
$| = 1;

	eval "use DBD::SQLite";
	plan $@ ? (skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing') : (tests => 91);

	use lib 't/testlib';
	use Film;

ok(Film->can('db_Main'), 'set_db()');
is(Film->__driver, "SQLite", "Driver set correctly");

	my $nul = eval { Film->retrieve() };
	is $nul, undef, "Can't retrieve nothing";
	like $@, qr/./, "retrieve needs parameters";    # TODO fix this...

	eval { my $id = Film->id };
	like $@, qr/class method/, "Can't get id with no object";

	eval { my $id = Film->title };
	like $@, qr/class method/, "Can't get title with no object";

eval { my $duh = Film->insert; };
like $@, qr/insert needs a hashref/, "insert needs a hashref";

ok +Film->create_test_film, "Create a test film";
my $btaste = Film->retrieve('Bad Taste');
isa_ok $btaste, 'Film';
is($btaste->Title,             'Bad Taste',     'Title() get');
is($btaste->Director,          'Peter Jackson', 'Director() get');
is($btaste->Rating,            'R',             'Rating() get');
is($btaste->NumExplodingSheep, 1,               'NumExplodingSheep() get');

	my $bt2 = Film->find_or_create(Title => 'Bad Taste');
	is $bt2->Director, $btaste->Director, "find_or_create";
	my @bt = Film->search(Title => 'Bad Taste');
	is @bt, 1, " doesn't create a new one";

ok my $gone = Film->find_or_create({
		Title             => 'Gone With The Wind',
		Director          => 'Bob Baggadonuts',
		Rating            => 'PG',
		NumExplodingSheep => 0
	"Add Gone With The Wind";
isa_ok $gone, 'Film';
ok $gone = Film->retrieve(Title => 'Gone With The Wind'),
	"Fetch it back again";
isa_ok $gone, 'Film';

# Shocking new footage found reveals bizarre Scarlet/sheep scene!
is($gone->NumExplodingSheep, 0, 'NumExplodingSheep() get again');
is($gone->NumExplodingSheep, 5, 'NumExplodingSheep() set');
is($gone->numexplodingsheep, 5, 'numexplodingsheep() set');

is($gone->Rating, 'PG', 'Rating() get again');
is($gone->Rating, 'NC-17', 'Rating() set');

	my @films = eval { Film->retrieve_all };
	is(@films, 2, "We have 2 films in total");

my $gone_copy = Film->retrieve('Gone With The Wind');
ok($gone->NumExplodingSheep == 5, 'update()');
ok($gone->Rating eq 'NC-17', 'update() again');

# Grab the 'Bladerunner' entry.
		Title    => 'Bladerunner',
		Director => 'Bob Ridley Scott',
		Rating   => 'R'

my $blrunner = Film->retrieve('Bladerunner');
is(ref $blrunner, 'Film', 'retrieve() again');
is $blrunner->Title,    'Bladerunner',      "Correct title";
is $blrunner->Director, 'Bob Ridley Scott', " and Director";
is $blrunner->Rating,   'R',                " and Rating";
is $blrunner->NumExplodingSheep, undef, " and sheep";

# Make a copy of 'Bladerunner' and create an entry of the directors cut
my $blrunner_dc = $blrunner->copy({
		title  => "Bladerunner: Director's Cut",
		rating => "15",
is(ref $blrunner_dc, 'Film', "copy() produces a film");
is($blrunner_dc->Title,    "Bladerunner: Director's Cut", 'Title correct');
is($blrunner_dc->Director, 'Bob Ridley Scott',            'Director correct');
is($blrunner_dc->Rating,   '15',                          'Rating correct');
is($blrunner_dc->NumExplodingSheep, undef, 'Sheep correct');

# Set up own SQL:
	Film->add_constructor(title_asc  => "title LIKE ? ORDER BY title");
	Film->add_constructor(title_desc => "title LIKE ? ORDER BY title DESC");

		my @films = Film->title_asc("Bladerunner%");
		is @films, 2, "We have 2 Bladerunners";
		is $films[0]->Title, $blrunner->Title, "Ordered correctly";
		my @films = Film->title_desc("Bladerunner%");
		is @films, 2, "We have 2 Bladerunners";
		is $films[0]->Title, $blrunner_dc->Title, "Ordered correctly";

# Multi-column search
	my @films = $blrunner->search_like(title => "Bladerunner%", rating => '15');
	is @films, 1, "Only one Bladerunner is a 15";

# Inline SQL
	my @films = Film->retrieve_from_sql("numexplodingsheep > 0 ORDER BY title");
	is @films, 2, "Inline SQL";
	is $films[0]->id, $btaste->id, "Correct film";
	is $films[1]->id, $gone->id,   "Correct film";

# Inline SQL removes WHERE
	my @films =
		Film->retrieve_from_sql(" WHErE numexplodingsheep > 0 ORDER BY title");
	is @films, 2, "Inline SQL";
	is $films[0]->id, $btaste->id, "Correct film";
	is $films[1]->id, $gone->id,   "Correct film";

eval {
	my $ishtar = Film->insert({ Title => 'Ishtar', Director => 'Elaine May' });
	my $mandn =
		Film->insert({ Title => 'Mikey and Nicky', Director => 'Elaine May' });
	my $new_leaf =
		Film->create({ Title => 'A New Leaf', Director => 'Elaine May' });
	is(Film->search(Director => 'Elaine May')->count,
		3, "3 Films by Elaine May");
		"Ishtar doesn't deserve an entry any more");
	ok(!Film->retrieve('Ishtar'), 'Ishtar no longer there');
		my $deprecated = 0;
		local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $deprecated++ if $_[0] =~ /deprecated/ };
			Film->delete(Director => 'Elaine May'),
			"In fact, delete all films by Elaine May"
		is(Film->search(Director => 'Elaine May')->count,
			0, "0 Films by Elaine May");
		is $deprecated, 1, "Got a deprecated warning";
is $@, '', "No problems with deletes";

# Find all films which have a rating of NC-17.
my @films = Film->search('Rating', 'NC-17');
is(scalar @films, 1, ' search returns one film');
is($films[0]->id, $gone->id, ' ... the correct one');

# Find all films which were directed by Bob
@films = Film->search_like('Director', 'Bob %');
is(scalar @films, 3, ' search_like returns 3 films');
		[ sort map { $_->id } @films ],
		[ sort map { $_->id } $blrunner_dc, $gone, $blrunner ]
	'the correct ones'

# Find Ridley Scott films which don't have vomit
@films =
	Film->search(numExplodingSheep => undef, Director => 'Bob Ridley Scott');
is(scalar @films, 2, ' search where attribute is null returns 2 films');
		[ sort map { $_->id } @films ],
		[ sort map { $_->id } $blrunner_dc, $blrunner ]
	'the correct ones'

# Test that a disconnect doesnt harm anything.
@films = Film->search({ Rating => 'NC-17' });
ok(@films == 1 && $films[0]->id eq $gone->id, 'auto reconnection');

# Test discard_changes().
my $orig_director = $btaste->Director;
$btaste->Director('Lenny Bruce');
is($btaste->Director, 'Lenny Bruce', 'set new Director');
is($btaste->Director, $orig_director, 'discard_changes()');

	my $btaste2 = Film->retrieve($btaste->id);
	my @warnings;
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, @_; };

		# unhook from live object cache, so next one is not from cache
		my $btaste3 = Film->retrieve($btaste->id);
		is $btaste3->NumExplodingSheep, 18, "Class based AutoCommit";
		$btaste3->autoupdate(0);    # obj a/c should override class a/c
		is @warnings, 0, "No warnings so far";
	is @warnings, 1, "DESTROY without update warns";

{ # update unchanged object
	my $film = Film->retrieve($btaste->id);
	my $retval = $film->update;
	is $retval, -1, "Unchanged object";

	my $btaste2 = Film->retrieve($btaste->id);
	is $btaste2->NumExplodingSheep, 32, "Object based AutoCommit";

# Primary key of 0
	my $zero = Film->insert({ Title => 0, Rating => "U" });
	ok defined $zero, "Create 0";
	ok my $ret = Film->retrieve(0), "Retrieve 0";
	is $ret->Title,  0,   "Title OK";
	is $ret->Rating, "U", "Rating OK";

# Change after_update policy
	my $bt = Film->retrieve($btaste->id);

	ok !$bt->_attribute_exists('rating'), "changed column needs reloaded";
	ok $bt->_attribute_exists('title'), "but we still have the title";

	# Don't re-load
		after_update => sub {
			my ($self, %args) = @_;
			my $discard_columns = $args{discard_columns};
			@$discard_columns = qw/title/;
	ok $bt->_attribute_exists('rating'), "changed column needs reloaded";
	ok !$bt->_attribute_exists('title'), "but no longer have the title";

# Make sure that we can have other accessors. (Bugfix in 0.28)
if (0) {
	Film->mk_accessors(qw/temp1 temp2/);
	my $blrunner = Film->retrieve('Bladerunner');
	eval { $blrunner->update };
	ok(!$@, "Other accessors");

# overloading
	is "$blrunner", "Bladerunner", "stringify";

	ok(Film->columns(Stringify => 'rating'), "Can change stringify column");
	is "$blrunner", "R", "And still stringifies correctly";

		Film->columns(Stringify => qw/title rating/),
		"Can have multiple stringify columns"
	is "$blrunner", "Bladerunner/R", "And still stringifies correctly";

	no warnings 'once';
	local *Film::stringify_self = sub { join ":", $_[0]->title, $_[0]->rating };
	is "$blrunner", "Bladerunner:R", "Provide stringify_self()";

		ok my $byebye = DeletingFilm->insert({
				Title  => 'Goodbye Norma Jean',
				Rating => 'PG',
			"Add a deleting Film";

		isa_ok $byebye, 'DeletingFilm';
		isa_ok $byebye, 'Film';
		ok(Film->retrieve('Goodbye Norma Jean'), "Fetch it back again");
	my $film;
	eval { $film = Film->retrieve('Goodbye Norma Jean') };
	ok !$film, "It destroys itself";

	skip "Scalar::Util::weaken not available", 3
		if !$Class::DBI::Weaken_Is_Available;

	# my bad taste is your bad taste
	my $btaste  = Film->retrieve('Bad Taste');
	my $btaste2 = Film->retrieve('Bad Taste');
	is Scalar::Util::refaddr($btaste), Scalar::Util::refaddr($btaste2),
		"Retrieving twice gives ref to same object";

	my $btaste3 = Film->retrieve('Bad Taste');
	isnt Scalar::Util::refaddr($btaste2), Scalar::Util::refaddr($btaste3),
		"Removing from object_index and retrieving again gives new object";

	my $btaste4 = Film->retrieve('Bad Taste');
	isnt Scalar::Util::refaddr($btaste2), Scalar::Util::refaddr($btaste4),
		"Clearing cache and retrieving again gives new object";