if ($^O eq "MacOS") { print "1..0\n"; exit(0); } unless (-f "CAN_TALK_TO_OURSELF") { print "1..0 # Skipped: Can't talk to ourself (misconfigured system)\n"; exit; } $| = 1; # autoflush require IO::Socket; # make sure this work before we try to make a HTTP::Daemon # First we make ourself a daemon in another process my $D = shift || ''; if ($D eq 'daemon') { require HTTP::Daemon; my $d = HTTP::Daemon->new(Timeout => 10); print "Please to meet you at: url, ">\n"; open(STDOUT, $^O eq 'VMS'? ">nl: " : ">/dev/null"); while ($c = $d->accept) { $r = $c->get_request; if ($r) { my $p = ($r->url->path_segments)[1]; my $func = lc("httpd_" . $r->method . "_$p"); if (defined &$func) { &$func($c, $r); } else { $c->send_error(404); } } $c = undef; # close connection } print STDERR "HTTP Server terminated\n"; exit; } else { use Config; my $perl = $Config{'perlpath'}; $perl = $^X if $^O eq 'VMS' or -x $^X and $^X =~ m,^([a-z]:)?/,i; open(DAEMON, "$perl local/http.t daemon |") or die "Can't exec daemon: $!"; } print "1..18\n"; my $greeting = ; $greeting =~ /(<[^>]+>)/; require URI; my $base = URI->new($1); sub url { my $u = URI->new(@_); $u = $u->abs($_[1]) if @_ > 1; $u->as_string; } print "Will access HTTP server at $base\n"; require LWP::UserAgent; require HTTP::Request; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("Mozilla/0.01 " . $ua->agent); $ua->from('gisle@aas.no'); #---------------------------------------------------------------- print "Bad request...\n"; $req = new HTTP::Request GET => url("/not_found", $base); $req->header(X_Foo => "Bar"); $res = $ua->request($req); print "not " unless $res->is_error and $res->code == 404 and $res->message =~ /not\s+found/i; print "ok 1\n"; # we also expect a few headers print "not " if !$res->server and !$res->date; print "ok 2\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------- print "Simple echo...\n"; sub httpd_get_echo { my($c, $req) = @_; $c->send_basic_header(200); print $c "Content-Type: message/http\015\012"; $c->send_crlf; print $c $req->as_string; } $req = new HTTP::Request GET => url("/echo/path_info?query", $base); $req->push_header(Accept => 'text/html'); $req->push_header(Accept => 'text/plain; q=0.9'); $req->push_header(Accept => 'image/*'); $req->push_header(':foo_bar' => 1); $req->if_modified_since(time - 300); $req->header(Long_text => 'This is a very long header line which is broken between more than one line.'); $req->header(X_Foo => "Bar"); $res = $ua->request($req); #print $res->as_string; print "not " unless $res->is_success and $res->code == 200 && $res->message eq "OK"; print "ok 3\n"; $_ = $res->content; @accept = /^Accept:\s*(.*)/mg; print "not " unless /^From:\s*gisle\@aas\.no$/m and /^Host:/m and @accept == 3 and /^Accept:\s*text\/html/m and /^Accept:\s*text\/plain/m and /^Accept:\s*image\/\*/m and /^If-Modified-Since:\s*\w{3},\s+\d+/m and /^Long-Text:\s*This.*broken between/m and /^Foo-Bar:\s*1$/m and /^X-Foo:\s*Bar$/m and /^User-Agent:\s*Mozilla\/0.01/m; print "ok 4\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------- print "Send file...\n"; my $file = "test-$$.html"; open(FILE, ">$file") or die "Can't create $file: $!"; binmode FILE or die "Can't binmode $file: $!"; print FILE <En prøve

Dette er en testfil

Jeg vet ikke hvor stor fila behøver å være heller, men dette er sikkert nok i massevis. EOT close(FILE); sub httpd_get_file { my($c, $r) = @_; my %form = $r->url->query_form; my $file = $form{'name'}; $c->send_file_response($file); unlink($file) if $file =~ /^test-/; } $req = new HTTP::Request GET => url("/file?name=$file", $base); $res = $ua->request($req); #print $res->as_string; print "not " unless $res->is_success and $res->content_type eq 'text/html' and $res->content_length == 147 and $res->title eq 'En prøve' and $res->content =~ /å være/; print "ok 5\n"; # A second try on the same file, should fail because we unlink it $res = $ua->request($req); #print $res->as_string; print "not " unless $res->is_error and $res->code == 404; # not found print "ok 6\n"; # Then try to list current directory $req = new HTTP::Request GET => url("/file?name=.", $base); $res = $ua->request($req); #print $res->as_string; print "not " unless $res->code == 501; # NYI print "ok 7\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------- print "Check redirect...\n"; sub httpd_get_redirect { my($c) = @_; $c->send_redirect("/echo/redirect"); } $req = new HTTP::Request GET => url("/redirect/foo", $base); $res = $ua->request($req); #print $res->as_string; print "not " unless $res->is_success and $res->content =~ m|/echo/redirect|; print "ok 8\n"; print "not " unless $res->previous->is_redirect and $res->previous->code == 301; print "ok 9\n"; # Let's test a redirect loop too sub httpd_get_redirect2 { shift->send_redirect("/redirect3/") } sub httpd_get_redirect3 { shift->send_redirect("/redirect2/") } $req->url(url("/redirect2", $base)); $ua->max_redirect(5); $res = $ua->request($req); #print $res->as_string; print "not " unless $res->is_redirect and $res->header("Client-Warning") =~ /loop detected/i; print "ok 10\n"; $i = 0; while ($res->previous) { $i++; $res = $res->previous; } print "not " unless $i == 5; print "ok 11\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------- print "Check basic authorization...\n"; sub httpd_get_basic { my($c, $r) = @_; #print STDERR $r->as_string; my($u,$p) = $r->authorization_basic; if (defined($u) && $u eq 'ok 12' && $p eq 'xyzzy') { $c->send_basic_header(200); print $c "Content-Type: text/plain"; $c->send_crlf; $c->send_crlf; $c->print("$u\n"); } else { $c->send_basic_header(401); $c->print("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"libwww-perl\"\015\012"); $c->send_crlf; } } { package MyUA; @ISA=qw(LWP::UserAgent); sub get_basic_credentials { my($self, $realm, $uri, $proxy) = @_; if ($realm eq "libwww-perl" && $uri->rel($base) eq "basic") { return ("ok 12", "xyzzy"); } else { return undef; } } } $req = new HTTP::Request GET => url("/basic", $base); $res = MyUA->new->request($req); #print $res->as_string; print "not " unless $res->is_success; print $res->content; # Let's try with a $ua that does not pass out credentials $res = $ua->request($req); print "not " unless $res->code == 401; print "ok 13\n"; # Let's try to set credentials for this realm $ua->credentials($req->url->host_port, "libwww-perl", "ok 12", "xyzzy"); $res = $ua->request($req); print "not " unless $res->is_success; print "ok 14\n"; # Then illegal credentials $ua->credentials($req->url->host_port, "libwww-perl", "user", "passwd"); $res = $ua->request($req); print "not " unless $res->code == 401; print "ok 15\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------- print "Check proxy...\n"; sub httpd_get_proxy { my($c,$r) = @_; if ($r->method eq "GET" and $r->url->scheme eq "ftp") { $c->send_basic_header(200); $c->send_crlf; } else { $c->send_error; } } $ua->proxy(ftp => $base); $req = new HTTP::Request GET => "ftp://ftp.perl.com/proxy"; $res = $ua->request($req); #print $res->as_string; print "not " unless $res->is_success; print "ok 16\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------- print "Check POSTing...\n"; sub httpd_post_echo { my($c,$r) = @_; $c->send_basic_header; $c->print("Content-Type: text/plain"); $c->send_crlf; $c->send_crlf; # Do it the hard way to test the send_file open(TMP, ">tmp$$") || die; binmode(TMP); print TMP $r->as_string; close(TMP) || die; $c->send_file("tmp$$"); unlink("tmp$$"); } $req = new HTTP::Request POST => url("/echo/foo", $base); $req->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $req->content("foo=bar&bar=test"); $res = $ua->request($req); #print $res->as_string; $_ = $res->content; print "not " unless $res->is_success and /^Content-Length:\s*16$/mi and /^Content-Type:\s*application\/x-www-form-urlencoded$/mi and /^foo=bar&bar=test$/m; print "ok 17\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------- print "Terminating server...\n"; sub httpd_get_quit { my($c) = @_; $c->send_error(503, "Bye, bye"); exit; # terminate HTTP server } $req = new HTTP::Request GET => url("/quit", $base); $res = $ua->request($req); print "not " unless $res->code == 503 and $res->content =~ /Bye, bye/; print "ok 18\n";