use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 5 } use XML::XPath; ok(1); my $xp = XML::XPath->new(ioref => *DATA); ok($xp); my @nodes; @nodes = $xp->findnodes('//Footnote'); ok(@nodes, 1); my $footnote = $nodes[0]; @nodes = $footnote->findnodes('ancestor::*'); ok(@nodes, 3); @nodes = $footnote->findnodes('ancestor::text:footnote'); ok(@nodes, 1); __DATA__ 2 AxKit is very flexible in how it lets you transform the XML on the server, and there are many modules you can plug in to AxKit to allow you to do these transformations. For this reason, the AxKit installation does not mandate any particular modules to use, instead it will simply suggest modules that might help when you install AxKit.