#!perl -T use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 10; BEGIN { use_ok("Sub::Exporter"); } BEGIN { package Thing; BEGIN { main::use_ok('Sub::Exporter::Util', 'curry_class'); } use Sub::Exporter -setup => { exports => { return_invocant => curry_class, talkback => curry_class('return_invocant'), }, }; sub new { bless { key => "value" } => $_[0] } sub return_invocant { return $_[0] } } BEGIN { package Thing::Subclass; our @ISA = qw(Thing); } package Test::SubExporter::CURRY::0; BEGIN { Thing->import(qw(return_invocant)); } main::is( Thing->return_invocant, "Thing", "method call on Thing returns Thing", ); main::is( Thing::Subclass->return_invocant, "Thing::Subclass", "method call on Thing::Subclass returns Thing::Subclass", ); main::is( return_invocant(), 'Thing', 'return of method class-curried from Thing is Thing' ); package Test::SubExporter::CURRY::1; BEGIN { Thing::Subclass->import(qw(return_invocant)); } main::is( Thing->return_invocant, "Thing", "method call on Thing returns Thing", ); main::is( Thing::Subclass->return_invocant, "Thing::Subclass", "method call on Thing::Subclass returns Thing::Subclass", ); main::is( return_invocant(), 'Thing::Subclass', 'return of method class-curried from Thing::Subclass is Thing::Subclass' ); package Test::SubExporter::CURRY::2; BEGIN { Thing->import(qw(talkback)); } main::is( talkback(), 'Thing', 'imported talkback acts like return_invocant' ); package Test::SubExporter::CURRY::Object; BEGIN { Thing->new->import(qw(talkback)); } main::isa_ok( talkback(), 'Thing', 'the result of object-curried talkback' );