use strict; if ( not $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} ) { my $msg = 'Author test. Set $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} to a true value to run.'; print "1..0 # $msg"; exit 0; } require Test::More; Test::More->import(); eval "use Test::Pod 1.00"; if ($@) { print "# Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD"; plan(tests => 0); exit 0; } my @directories; # perl Build test or make test run from top-level dir. if ( -d '../t/' ) { @directories = ('../lib/', '../bin'); } else { @directories = (); # empty - will work automatically } my @files = all_pod_files(@directories); plan(tests => scalar(@files) ); foreach my $module (@files){ pod_file_ok( $module ) }