use Module::Build; my @compiler_flags; if ($] < 5.006 and Module::Build->y_n("Does your system define the getcwd() C library function?", 'y')) { @compiler_flags = ('-DHAS_GETCWD'); } my $class = Module::Build->subclass(code => <<'EOF'); # See for why we add # this to the Makefile.PL: sub do_create_makefile_pl { my $self = shift; my $fh = IO::File->new('> Makefile.PL') or die $!; print $fh "\nBEGIN { \@INC = grep {!/blib/} \@INC }\n\n"; $self->SUPER::do_create_makefile_pl(fh => $fh); } # To keep MakeMaker happy, we have .pm files in the top-level # directory as well as in lib/. sub find_pm_files { my $self = shift; my $files = $self->SUPER::find_pm_files(@_); # Finds in lib/ $files->{''} = 'lib/'; return $files; } # If we're building the Makefile.PL, don't note the dependence on Module::Build. sub build_requires { my $self = shift; my $in_create_makefile_pl = 0; my $i = 0; while (defined( my $subr = (caller $i++)[3] )) { $in_create_makefile_pl = 1 if $subr =~ /::create_makefile_pl$/; } my $prereqs = $self->SUPER::build_requires(@_); return $prereqs unless $in_create_makefile_pl; return { map {$_, $prereqs->{$_}} grep !/^Module::Build$/, keys %$prereqs }; } # Copy the ppport.h file to where it will be expected under Module::Build sub ACTION_code { my $self = shift; my $ppp = 'ppport.h'; my $lib_ppp = File::Spec->catfile('lib', $ppp); $self->copy_if_modified(from => $ppp, to => $lib_ppp); $self->add_to_cleanup($lib_ppp); $self->SUPER::ACTION_code(@_); } # Make sure the two main $VERSION numbers agree. This is just a # simple way of making sure both VERSIONs get updated with every release. sub ACTION_distdir { my $self = shift; my $v1 = $self->version_from_file(''); my $v2 = $self->version_from_file('lib/File/'); die "Version $v1 from doesn't match version $v2 from lib/File/" unless $v1 eq $v2; return $self->SUPER::ACTION_distdir(@_); } EOF my @linker_flags; if ($ENV{RC_CFLAGS}) { my @extra_cflags = split " ", $ENV{RC_CFLAGS}; push @compiler_flags, @extra_cflags; push @linker_flags, @extra_cflags; } my $build = $class->new ( dist_name => 'PathTools', dist_abstract => 'Tools for working with paths and file specs across platforms', dist_version_from => '', license => 'perl', installdirs => 'core', # create_makefile_pl => 'traditional', requires => { 'perl' => 5.005, 'Carp' => 0, 'File::Basename' => 0, }, build_requires => { 'File::Path' => 0, 'Test' => 0, 'Scalar::Util' => 0, 'Module::Build' => '0.19', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => 0, ($^O =~ /^(dos|MSWin32)$/ ? ('ExtUtils::Install' => 1.39) : ()), }, xs_files => { 'Cwd.xs' => 'lib/Cwd.xs' }, extra_compiler_flags => \@compiler_flags, extra_linker_flags => \@linker_flags, dynamic_config => 1, # Because of the $^O checking above sign => 1, ); $build->create_build_script;