# The perl/C checking voodoo is stolen from Graham Barr's # Scalar-List-Utils distribution. use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use Config qw(%Config); use File::Spec; my $no_xs; my $force_xs; for (@ARGV) { /^--pm/ and $no_xs = 1; /^--xs/ and $no_xs = 0; } if ($no_xs) { write_makefile(); exit; } unless (defined $no_xs) { check_for_compiler() or no_cc(); if ( -d '.svn' ) { local *DIR; opendir DIR, "t" or die "Cannot read t: $!"; foreach my $file ( grep { /^\d.+\.t$/ } readdir DIR ) { next if $file =~ /^99/; my $real_file = File::Spec->catfile( 't', $file ); local *F; open F, "<$real_file" or die "Cannot read $real_file: $!"; my $shbang = ; my $test = do { local $/; }; close F; $test = "$shbang\nBEGIN { \$ENV{PV_TEST_PERL} = 1 }\n\n$test"; my $new_file = File::Spec->catfile( 't', "zz_$file" ); open F, ">$new_file" or die "Cannot write $new_file: $!"; print F $test; close F; } } } write_makefile(); sub write_makefile { my %prereq = ( 'Test::More' => 0, 'Scalar::Util' => 0, ); $prereq{'Attribute::Handlers'} = 0 if $] >= 5.006; my $zz = join ' ', glob File::Spec->catfile( 't', 'zz_*.t' ); my $ccflags = -d '.svn' ? '-Wall' : ''; WriteMakefile( VERSION_FROM => "lib/Params/Validate.pm", NAME => "Params::Validate", PREREQ_PM => \%prereq, CONFIGURE => \&init, CCFLAGS => $ccflags, clean => { FILES => "test.c test.o $zz" }, ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Params/Validate.pm', AUTHOR => 'Dave Rolsky, ', LICENSE => 'perl', ); } sub init { my $hash = $_[1]; if ($no_xs) { @{ $hash }{ 'XS', 'C' } = ( {}, [] ); } $hash; } sub no_cc { $no_xs = 1; print <<'EOF'; I cannot determine if you have a C compiler so I will install a perl-only implementation You can force installation of the XS version with perl Makefile.PL --xs EOF write_makefile(); exit; } sub check_for_compiler { print "Testing if you have a C compiler\n"; eval { require ExtUtils::CBuilder }; if ($@) { return _check_for_compiler_manually(); } else { return _check_for_compiler_with_cbuilder(); } } sub _check_for_compiler_with_cbuilder { my $cb = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new( quiet => 1 ); return $cb->have_compiler; } sub _check_for_compiler_manually { unless ( open F, ">test.c" ) { warn "Cannot write test.c, skipping test compilation and installing pure Perl version.\n"; return 0; } print F <<'EOF'; int main() { return 0; } EOF close F or return 0; my $cc = $Config{cc}; if ( $cc =~ /cl(\.exe)?$/ ) { # stupid stupid MSVC compiler hack tacken from version.pm's # Makefile.PL $cc .= ' -c'; # prevent it from calling the linker } system( "$cc -o test$Config{obj_ext} test.c" ) and return 0; unlink $_ for grep { -f } 'test.c', "test$Config{obj_ext}"; return 1; }