# $Id: 11-escapedchars.t 616 2006-10-18 09:15:48Z olaf $ -*-perl-*- use Test::More; use strict; use Net::DNS qw(name2labels) ; use Net::DNS::Packet qw(dn_expand); # Perl 5.005 actually produces a warning during the run of the script if ( $] < 5.006 ){ diag ("\n\n\nWith this version of perl Net::DNS may give unpredictable results when dealing with\n". "labels with non ascii or escaped data in them.\n". "For instance domain names such as olaf\\.kolkman.net-dns.org\n". "or \\255\\255.example.com\n\n\n"); plan skip_all => "Escaping does not work with perl version $]" ; } else { plan tests => 141; } # # We test al sorts of escaped non-ascii characters. # This is all to be protocol conform... so to speak. # # The collection of tests is somewhat of a hodgepodge that tried to # assess sensitivity to combinations of characters that the regular # expressions and perl itself are sensitive to. (like \\\\\.\..) # Development versions of the code tried to split a domain name in # invidual labels by a regular expression. It made no sense to remove # the more ackward tests as they have to pass anyway ... my $message="Using the "; $message.= $Net::DNS::HAVE_XS? " XS compiled ":" perl implemented "; $message.="dn_expand function "; diag ($message); my $had_xs=$Net::DNS::HAVE_XS; my ($in,$out); # Note that in perl the \\ in a presentation format can only be achieved # through \\\\ . # The hex codes are the names in wireformat: # length octet. content octets, length octet, content , NULL octet # Below are test combos, 1st and 2nd array elements are # representations of the name. The output of the perl functions should # yield the 2nd presentation (eg \037 gets presented as % ) # The 3rd element is a label count. # The 4th element represents the number of octets per label # The 5th element is a hexdump of the domain name in wireformat # The optional 6th element is a boolean instructing to use the perl # based dn_expand. This because the conversion between the native # dn_expand output to a perl varialbe provides some problems. my @testcombos=( [ 'bla\255.foo.org', 'bla\255.foo.org', 3, [4,3,3], #Wire: 4 b l a 0xff 3 f o o 3 o r g 0 "04626c61ff03666f6f036f726700" ], [ 'bla.f\xa9oo.org', 'bla.f\169oo.org', 3, [3,4,3] , #Wire: 3 b l a 4 f 0xa9 o o 3 o r g 0 "03626c610466a96f6f036f726700" ], # Note hex to decimal ['bla.fo\.o.org', 'bla.fo\.o.org', 3, [3,4,3], #Wire: 3 b l a 4 f o . o 3 o r g 0 "03626c6104666f2e6f036f726700" ], ['bla\0000.foo.org', 'bla\0000.foo.org', 3, [5,3,3], #Wire: 5 b l a 0x00 0 3 f o o 3 o r g 0 "05626c61003003666f6f036f726700" , ], ['bla.fo\o.org', 'bla.foo.org', 3, [3,3,3], #Wire: 3 b l a 3 f o o 3 o r g 0 ignoring backslash on input "03626c6103666f6f036f726700", ], #drops the \ ['bla(*.foo.org', 'bla\(*.foo.org', 3, [5,3,3], #Wire: 5 b l a ( * 3 f o o 3 o r g 0 "05626c61282a03666f6f036f726700" ], [' .bla.foo.org', '\032.bla.foo.org', 4, [1,3,3,3], "012003626c6103666f6f036f726700", ], ['\\\\a.foo', '\\\\a.foo', 2, [2,3], #Wire: 2 \ a 3 f o o 0 "025c6103666f6f00" ], ['\\\\.foo', '\\\\.foo', 2, [1,3], #Wire: 1 \ 3 f o o 0 "015c03666f6f00", ], ['a\\..foo', 'a\\..foo', 2, [2,3], #Wire: 2 a . 3 f o o 0 "02612e03666f6f00" ], ['a\\.foo.org', 'a\\.foo.org', 2, [5,3], #Wire: 5 a . f o o 3 o r g 0 "05612e666f6f036f726700" , ], ['\..foo.org', '\..foo.org', 3, [1,3,3], #Wire: 1 . 3 f o o 3 o r g 0 "012e03666f6f036f726700" , ], [ '\046.\046', '\..\.', 2, [1,1], '012e012e00', ], [ # all non \w characters :-) '\000\001\002\003\004\005\006\007\008\009\010\011\012\013\014\015\016\017\018\019\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027\028\029\030\031\032.\033\034\035\036\037\038\039\040\041\042\043\044\045\046\047\048.\058\059\060\061\062\063\064\065.\091\092\093\094\095\096.\123\124\125\126\127\128\129', '\000\001\002\003\004\005\006\007\008\009\010\011\012\013\014\015\016\017\018\019\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027\028\029\030\031\032.!\"#\$%&\'\(\)*+,-\./0.:\;<=>?\@A.[\\\\]^_`.{|}~\127\128\129', 5, [33,16,8,6,7], "21000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f20102122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f30083a3b3c3d3e3f4041065b5c5d5e5f60077b7c7d7e7f808100", ], ); foreach my $testinput (@testcombos){ # test back and forth my @labels=name2labels( $testinput->[0]); # is (labels2name(@labels), $testinput->[1],"consistent name2labels labels2name for ". $testinput->[0]); # test number of labels is (@labels,$testinput->[2],"consistent labelcount ($testinput->[2])"); # test number of elements within label. my $i=0; # Test length of each individual label while ($i<$testinput->[2]){ is (length $labels[$i], $testinput->[3]->[$i], "labellength for label $i equals ".$testinput->[3]->[$i]); $i++; } my $wire=Net::DNS::RR->_name2wire($testinput->[0]); my $wireinhex=unpack("H*",$wire); is( $wireinhex,$testinput->[4], "Wireinhex for ".$testinput->[0] ); # And now call DN_EXPAND my ($name,$offset); my $had_xs=$Net::DNS::HAVE_XS; SKIP: { skip "No dn_expand_xs available", 1 unless $had_xs; ($name,$offset)=dn_expand(\$wire,0); is ($name,$testinput->[1],"DN_EXPAND (xs) consistent"); } $Net::DNS::HAVE_XS=0; ($name,$offset)=dn_expand(\$wire,0); is ($name,$testinput->[1],"DN_EXPAND (pp) consistent"); $Net::DNS::HAVE_XS=$had_xs; } PERL_DN_EXPAND: { if ($had_xs && !$Net::DNS::DN_EXPAND_ESCAPES ){ diag ("\ndisabling XS based dns_expand for a moment."); $Net::DNS::HAVE_XS=0 ; } #;; QUESTION SECTION #;\\.eg.secret-wg.org. IN TXT # #;; ANSWER SECTION: #\\.eg.secret-wg.org. 10 IN TXT "WildCard Match" # #;; AUTHORITY SECTION: #eg.secret-wg.org. 600 IN NS ns.eg.secret-wg.org. # #;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: #ns.eg.secret-wg.org. 600 IN A # my $UUencodedPacket=' c8 d5 85 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 02 5c 5c 02 65 67 09 73 65 63 72 65 74 2d 77 67 03 6f 72 67 00 00 10 00 01 c0 0c 00 10 00 01 00 00 00 0a 00 0f 0e 57 69 6c 64 43 61 72 64 20 4d 61 74 63 68 c0 0f 00 02 00 01 00 00 02 58 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0f c0 4c 00 01 00 01 00 00 02 58 00 04 0a 00 35 d0 '; $UUencodedPacket =~ s/\s*//g; my $packetdata = pack('H*',$UUencodedPacket); my $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$packetdata); is( ($packet->answer)[0]->name,'\\\\\\\\.eg.secret-wg.org',"Correctly dealt escaped backslash from wireformat \\\\.eg.secret-wg.org"); # Now testing for the real esotheric stuff. # domain names can contain NULL and space characters (on the wire) # these should be properly expanded # This only works if the dn_expand_XS() is NOT used. # The UUencoded packet contains a captured packet with this content: #;; QUESTION SECTION: #;\000.n\032ll.eg.secret-wg.org. IN TXT #;; ANSWER SECTION: #\000.n ll.eg.secret-wg.org. 0 IN TXT "NULL byte ownername" # ^ SPACE !!! #;; AUTHORITY SECTION: #eg.secret-wg.org. 600 IN NS ns.eg.secret-wg.org. #;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: #ns.eg.secret-wg.org. 600 IN A $UUencodedPacket =' a6 58 85 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 01 00 04 6e 20 6c 6c 02 65 67 09 73 65 63 72 65 74 2d 77 67 03 6f 72 67 00 00 10 00 01 c0 0c 00 10 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 14 13 4e 55 4c 4c 20 62 79 74 65 20 6f 77 6e 65 72 6e 61 6d 65 c0 13 00 02 00 01 00 00 02 58 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 13 c0 55 00 01 00 01 00 00 02 58 00 04 0a 00 35 d0 '; $UUencodedPacket =~ s/\s*//g; $packetdata = pack('H*',$UUencodedPacket); $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$packetdata); is( ($packet->answer)[0]->name,'\000.n\\032ll.eg.secret-wg.org',"Correctly dealt with NULL bytes in domain names"); #slightly modified \\ .eg.secret-wg.org instead of \\\\.eg.secret-wg.org # That is escaped backslash space $UUencodedPacket=' c8 d5 85 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 02 5c 20 02 65 67 09 73 65 63 72 65 74 2d 77 67 03 6f 72 67 00 00 10 00 01 c0 0c 00 10 00 01 00 00 00 0a 00 0f 0e 57 69 6c 64 43 61 72 64 20 4d 61 74 63 68 c0 0f 00 02 00 01 00 00 02 58 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0f c0 4c 00 01 00 01 00 00 02 58 00 04 0a 00 35 d0 '; $UUencodedPacket =~ s/\s*//g; $packetdata = pack('H*',$UUencodedPacket); $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$packetdata); is( ($packet->answer)[0]->name,'\\\\\\032.eg.secret-wg.org',"Correctly dealt escaped backslash from wireformat \\e.eg.secret-wg.org"); if ( $had_xs && !$Net::DNS::HAVE_XS ){ diag("\nContinuing to use the XS based dn_expand()\n") ; $Net::DNS::HAVE_XS=1; } } #slightly modified \\e.eg.secret-wg.org instead of \\\\.eg.secret-wg.org my $UUencodedPacket=' c8 d5 85 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 02 5c 65 02 65 67 09 73 65 63 72 65 74 2d 77 67 03 6f 72 67 00 00 10 00 01 c0 0c 00 10 00 01 00 00 00 0a 00 0f 0e 57 69 6c 64 43 61 72 64 20 4d 61 74 63 68 c0 0f 00 02 00 01 00 00 02 58 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0f c0 4c 00 01 00 01 00 00 02 58 00 04 0a 00 35 d0 '; $UUencodedPacket =~ s/\s*//g; my $packetdata = pack('H*',$UUencodedPacket); my $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$packetdata); is( ($packet->answer)[0]->name,'\\\\e.eg.secret-wg.org',"Correctly dealt escaped backslash from wireformat \\e.eg.secret-wg.org"); #slightly modified \\\..eg.secret-wg.org instead of \\e.eg.secret-wg.org $UUencodedPacket=' c8 d5 85 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 02 5c 65 02 65 67 09 73 65 63 72 65 74 2d 77 67 03 6f 72 67 00 00 10 00 01 c0 0c 00 10 00 01 00 00 00 0a 00 0f 0e 57 69 6c 64 43 61 72 64 20 4d 61 74 63 68 c0 0f 00 02 00 01 00 00 02 58 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 0f c0 4c 00 01 00 01 00 00 02 58 00 04 0a 00 35 d0 '; $UUencodedPacket =~ s/\s*//g; $packetdata = pack('H*',$UUencodedPacket); $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$packetdata); $UUencodedPacket =~ s/\s*//g; $packetdata = pack('H*',$UUencodedPacket); $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$packetdata); is( ($packet->answer)[0]->name,'\\\\e.eg.secret-wg.org',"Correctly dealt escaped backslash from wireformat \\\..eg.secret-wg.org"); my $testrr=Net::DNS::RR->new( name => '\\e.eg.secret-wg.org', type => 'TXT', txtdata => '"WildCard Match"', ttl => 10, class => "IN", ); my $class = "IN"; my $ttl = 43200; my $name = 'def0au<.example.com'; my @rrs = ( { #[0] name => '\..bla\..example.com', type => 'A', address => '', }, { #[2] name => $name, type => 'AFSDB', subtype => 1, hostname =>'afsdb-hostname.example.com', }, { #[3] name => '\\.funny.example.com', type => 'CNAME', cname => 'cname-cn\244ame.example.com', }, { #[4] name => $name, type => 'DNAME', dname => 'dn\222ame.example.com', }, { #[9] name => $name, type => 'MINFO', rmailbx => 'minfo\.rmailbx.example.com', emailbx => 'minfo\007emailbx.example.com', }, { #[13] name => $name, type => 'NS', nsdname => '\001ns-nsdname.example.com', }, { #[19] name => $name, type => 'SOA', mname => 'soa-mn\001ame.example.com', rname => 'soa\.rname.example.com', serial => 12345, refresh => 7200, retry => 3600, expire => 2592000, minimum => 86400, }, ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create the packet. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ undef $packet; $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new($name); ok($packet, 'Packet created'); foreach my $data (@rrs) { $packet->push('answer', Net::DNS::RR->new( ttl => $ttl, %{$data}, ) ); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Re-create the packet from data. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $data = $packet->data; ok($data, 'Packet has data after pushes'); undef $packet; $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$data); ok($packet, 'Packet reconstructed from data'); my @answer = $packet->answer; ok(@answer && @answer == @rrs, 'Packet returned correct answer section'); while (@answer and @rrs) { my $data = shift @rrs; my $rr = shift @answer; my $type = $data->{'type'}; foreach my $meth (keys %{$data}) { is($rr->$meth(), $data->{$meth}, "$type - $meth() correct"); } my $rr2 = Net::DNS::RR->new($rr->string); is($rr2->string, $rr->string, "$type - Parsing from string works"); }