# $Id: 01-resolver-env.t 616 2006-10-18 09:15:48Z olaf $ use Test::More tests => 13; use strict; BEGIN { local $ENV{'RES_NAMESERVERS'} = ''; local $ENV{'RES_SEARCHLIST'} = 'net-dns.org lib.net-dns.org'; local $ENV{'LOCALDOMAIN'} = 't.net-dns.org'; local $ENV{'RES_OPTIONS'} = 'retrans:3 retry:2 debug'; use_ok('Net::DNS'); } my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; ok($res, "new() returned something"); ok(scalar $res->nameservers, "nameservers() works"); my @servers = $res->nameservers; is($servers[0], '', 'Nameserver set correctly'); is($servers[1], '', 'Nameserver set correctly'); my @search = $res->searchlist; is($search[0], 'net-dns.org', 'Search set correctly' ); is($search[1], 'lib.net-dns.org', 'Search set correctly' ); is($res->domain, 't.net-dns.org', 'Local domain works' ); is($res->retrans, 3, 'Retransmit works' ); is($res->retry, 2, 'Retry works' ); ok($res->debug, 'Debug works' ); eval { $Net::DNS::DNSSEC=0; local $SIG{__WARN__}=sub { ok ($_[0]=~/You called the Net::DNS::Resolver::dnssec\(\)/, "Correct warning in absense of Net::DNS::SEC") }; $res->dnssec(1); }; { $Net::DNS::DNSSEC=1; local $SIG{__WARN__}=sub { diag "We are ignoring that Net::DNS::SEC not installed." }; $res->dnssec(1); is ($res->udppacketsize(),2048,"dnssec() sets udppacketsize to 2048"); };