use strict; use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 24 } use Module::Build; use File::Spec; use File::Path; use Config; ok(1); ok $INC{'Module/'}, '/blib/', "Make sure version from blib/ is loaded"; require File::Spec->catfile('t', ''); ######################### End of black magic. my $start_dir = Module::Build->cwd; # Would be nice to just have a 'base_dir' parameter for M::B->new() my $goto = File::Spec->catdir( $start_dir, 't', 'Sample' ); chdir $goto or die "can't chdir to $goto: $!"; my $build = new Module::Build( module_name => 'Sample', script_files => [ 'script' ], requires => { 'File::Spec' => 0 }, license => 'perl' ); ok $build; # Make sure cleanup files added before create_build_script() get respected $build->add_to_cleanup('before_script'); eval {$build->create_build_script}; ok $@, ''; ok -e $build->build_script, 1; ok $build->dist_dir, 'Sample-0.01'; # The 'cleanup' file doesn't exist yet ok grep $_ eq 'before_script', $build->cleanup; $build->add_to_cleanup('save_out'); # The 'cleanup' file now exists ok grep $_ eq 'before_script', $build->cleanup; ok grep $_ eq 'save_out', $build->cleanup; my $output = eval { stdout_of( sub { $build->dispatch('test', verbose => 1) } ) }; ok $@, ''; ok $output, qr/all tests successful/i; # We prefix all lines with "| " so Test::Harness doesn't get confused. print "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Sample/ output vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\n"; $output =~ s/^/| /mg; print $output; print "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sample/ output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"; if ($build->check_installed_status('YAML', 0)) { eval {$build->dispatch('disttest')}; ok $@, ''; # After a test, the distdir should contain a blib/ directory ok -e File::Spec->catdir('Sample-0.01', 'blib'); eval {$build->dispatch('distdir')}; ok $@, ''; # The 'distdir' should contain a lib/ directory ok -e File::Spec->catdir('Sample-0.01', 'lib'); # The freshly run 'distdir' should never contain a blib/ directory, or # else it could get into the tarball ok not -e File::Spec->catdir('Sample-0.01', 'blib'); # Make sure all of the above was done by the new version of Module::Build my $fh = IO::File->new(File::Spec->catfile($goto, 'META.yml')); my $contents = do {local $/; <$fh>}; ok $contents, "/Module::Build version ". $build->VERSION ."/"; } else { skip "skip is not installed", 1 for 1..6; } { # Check that a shebang line is rewritten my $blib_script = File::Spec->catdir( qw( blib script script ) ); ok -e $blib_script; my $fh = IO::File->new($blib_script); my $first_line = <$fh>; print "# rewritten shebang?\n$first_line"; ok $first_line ne "#!perl -w\n"; } { # Check PPD $build->dispatch('ppd', args => {codebase => '/path/to/codebase'}); my $ppd = slurp('Sample.ppd'); # This test is quite a hack since with XML you don't really want to # do a strict string comparison, but absent an XML parser it's the # best we can do. ok $ppd, <<'EOF'; Sample Foo foo sample foo Sample Man <> EOF } eval {$build->dispatch('realclean')}; ok $@, ''; ok -e $build->build_script, undef; ok -e $build->config_dir, undef; ok -e $build->dist_dir, undef;