use Lingua::EN::Inflect qw(PL_N classical); use Test::More 'no_plan'; # DEFAULT... is PL_N('Sally') => 'Sallys'; # classical 'names' active is PL_N('Jones') => 'Joneses'; # always inflects that way # "person" PLURALS ACTIVATED... classical names=>1; is PL_N('Sally') => 'Sallys'; # classical 'names' active is PL_N('Jones') => 'Joneses'; # always inflects that way # OTHER CLASSICALS NOT ACTIVATED... is PL_N('wildebeest') => 'wildebeests'; # classical 'herd' not active is PL_N('error', 0) => 'errors'; # classical 'zero' not active is PL_N('brother') => 'brothers'; # classical 'all' not active is PL_N('person') => 'people'; # classical 'persons' not active is PL_N('formula') => 'formulas'; # classical 'ancient' not active