#! perl # copied over from JSON::PC and modified to use JSON::XS use strict; use Test::More; BEGIN { plan tests => 9 }; use JSON::XS; my ($js,$obj,$json); my $pc = new JSON::XS; $obj = {foo => "bar"}; $js = $pc->encode($obj); is($js,q|{"foo":"bar"}|); $obj = [10, "hoge", {foo => "bar"}]; $pc->pretty (1); $js = $pc->encode($obj); is($js,q|[ 10, "hoge", { "foo" : "bar" } ] |); $obj = { foo => [ {a=>"b"}, 0, 1, 2 ] }; $pc->pretty(0); $js = $pc->encode($obj); is($js,q|{"foo":[{"a":"b"},0,1,2]}|); $obj = { foo => [ {a=>"b"}, 0, 1, 2 ] }; $pc->pretty(1); $js = $pc->encode($obj); is($js,q|{ "foo" : [ { "a" : "b" }, 0, 1, 2 ] } |); $obj = { foo => [ {a=>"b"}, 0, 1, 2 ] }; $pc->pretty(0); $js = $pc->encode($obj); is($js,q|{"foo":[{"a":"b"},0,1,2]}|); $obj = {foo => "bar"}; $pc->indent(1); is($pc->encode($obj), qq|{\n "foo":"bar"\n}\n|, "nospace"); $pc->space_after(1); is($pc->encode($obj), qq|{\n "foo": "bar"\n}\n|, "after"); $pc->space_before(1); is($pc->encode($obj), qq|{\n "foo" : "bar"\n}\n|, "both"); $pc->space_after(0); is($pc->encode($obj), qq|{\n "foo" :"bar"\n}\n|, "before");