use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Exception; use lib qw(t/lib); use DBICTest; use IO::File; my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(); my $sdebug = $schema->storage->debug; # once the following TODO is complete, remove the 2 warning tests immediately # after the TODO block # (the TODO block itself contains tests ensuring that the warns are removed) TODO: { local $TODO = 'Prefetch of multiple has_many rels at the same level (currently warn to protect the clueless git)'; #( 1 -> M + M ) my $cd_rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search ({ 'me.title' => 'Forkful of bees' }); my $pr_cd_rs = $cd_rs->search ({}, { prefetch => [qw/tracks tags/], }); my $tracks_rs = $cd_rs->first->tracks; my $tracks_count = $tracks_rs->count; my ($pr_tracks_rs, $pr_tracks_count); my $queries = 0; $schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $queries++ }); $schema->storage->debug(1); my $o_mm_warn; { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $o_mm_warn = shift }; $pr_tracks_rs = $pr_cd_rs->first->tracks; }; $pr_tracks_count = $pr_tracks_rs->count; ok(! $o_mm_warn, 'no warning on attempt to prefetch several same level has_many\'s (1 -> M + M)'); is($queries, 1, 'prefetch one->(has_many,has_many) ran exactly 1 query'); $schema->storage->debugcb (undef); $schema->storage->debug ($sdebug); is($pr_tracks_count, $tracks_count, 'equal count of prefetched relations over several same level has_many\'s (1 -> M + M)'); is ($pr_tracks_rs->all, $tracks_rs->all, 'equal amount of objects returned with and without prefetch over several same level has_many\'s (1 -> M + M)'); #( M -> 1 -> M + M ) my $note_rs = $schema->resultset('LinerNotes')->search ({ notes => 'Buy Whiskey!' }); my $pr_note_rs = $note_rs->search ({}, { prefetch => { cd => [qw/tracks tags/] }, }); my $tags_rs = $note_rs->first->cd->tags; my $tags_count = $tags_rs->count; my ($pr_tags_rs, $pr_tags_count); $queries = 0; $schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $queries++ }); $schema->storage->debug(1); my $m_o_mm_warn; { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $m_o_mm_warn = shift }; $pr_tags_rs = $pr_note_rs->first->cd->tags; }; $pr_tags_count = $pr_tags_rs->count; ok(! $m_o_mm_warn, 'no warning on attempt to prefetch several same level has_many\'s (M -> 1 -> M + M)'); is($queries, 1, 'prefetch one->(has_many,has_many) ran exactly 1 query'); $schema->storage->debugcb (undef); $schema->storage->debug ($sdebug); is($pr_tags_count, $tags_count, 'equal count of prefetched relations over several same level has_many\'s (M -> 1 -> M + M)'); is($pr_tags_rs->all, $tags_rs->all, 'equal amount of objects with and without prefetch over several same level has_many\'s (M -> 1 -> M + M)'); } # remove this closure once the TODO above is working { my $warn_re = qr/will explode the number of row objects retrievable via/; my (@w, @dummy); local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $_[0] =~ $warn_re ? push @w, @_ : warn @_ }; my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search ({ 'me.title' => 'Forkful of bees' }, { prefetch => [qw/tracks tags/] }); @w = (); @dummy = $rs->first; is (@w, 1, 'warning on attempt prefetching several same level has_manys (1 -> M + M)'); my $rs2 = $schema->resultset('LinerNotes')->search ({ notes => 'Buy Whiskey!' }, { prefetch => { cd => [qw/tags tracks/] } }); @w = (); @dummy = $rs2->first; is (@w, 1, 'warning on attempt prefetching several same level has_manys (M -> 1 -> M + M)'); } done_testing;