use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Warn; use Test::Exception; use lib qw(t/lib); use DBICTest; use DBIC::SqlMakerTest; my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(); my $rs = $schema->resultset("CD"); cmp_ok ( $rs->count, '!=', $rs->search ({}, {columns => ['year'], distinct => 1})->count, 'At least one year is the same in rs' ); my $rs_title = $rs->get_column('title'); my $rs_year = $rs->get_column('year'); my $max_year = $rs->get_column(\'MAX (year)'); is($rs_title->next, 'Spoonful of bees', "next okay"); is_deeply( [ sort $rs_year->func('DISTINCT') ], [ 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001 ], "wantarray context okay"); ok ($max_year->next == $rs_year->max, q/get_column (\'FUNC') ok/); my @all = $rs_title->all; cmp_ok(scalar @all, '==', 5, "five titles returned"); cmp_ok($rs_year->max, '==', 2001, "max okay for year"); is($rs_title->min, 'Caterwaulin\' Blues', "min okay for title"); cmp_ok($rs_year->sum, '==', 9996, "three artists returned"); $rs_year->reset; is($rs_year->next, 1999, "reset okay"); is($rs_year->first, 1999, "first okay"); warnings_exist (sub { is($rs_year->single, 1999, "single okay"); }, qr/Query returned more than one row/, 'single warned'); # test distinct propagation is_deeply ( [$rs->search ({}, { distinct => 1 })->get_column ('year')->all], [$rs_year->func('distinct')], 'distinct => 1 is passed through properly', ); # test +select/+as for single column my $psrs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({}, { '+select' => \'MAX(year)', '+as' => 'last_year' } ); lives_ok(sub { $psrs->get_column('last_year')->next }, '+select/+as additional column "last_year" present (scalar)'); dies_ok(sub { $psrs->get_column('noSuchColumn')->next }, '+select/+as nonexistent column throws exception'); # test +select/+as for overriding a column $psrs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({}, { 'select' => \"'The Final Countdown'", 'as' => 'title' } ); is($psrs->get_column('title')->next, 'The Final Countdown', '+select/+as overridden column "title"'); # test +select/+as for multiple columns $psrs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({}, { '+select' => [ \'LENGTH(title) AS title_length', 'title' ], '+as' => [ 'tlength', 'addedtitle' ] } ); lives_ok(sub { $psrs->get_column('tlength')->next }, '+select/+as multiple additional columns, "tlength" column present'); lives_ok(sub { $psrs->get_column('addedtitle')->next }, '+select/+as multiple additional columns, "addedtitle" column present'); # test that +select/+as specs do not leak is_same_sql_bind ( $psrs->get_column('year')->as_query, '(SELECT me.year FROM cd me)', [], 'Correct SQL for get_column/as' ); is_same_sql_bind ( $psrs->get_column('addedtitle')->as_query, '(SELECT me.title FROM cd me)', [], 'Correct SQL for get_column/+as col' ); is_same_sql_bind ( $psrs->get_column('tlength')->as_query, '(SELECT LENGTH(title) AS title_length FROM cd me)', [], 'Correct SQL for get_column/+as func' ); # test that order_by over a function forces a subquery lives_ok ( sub { is_deeply ( [ $psrs->search ({}, { order_by => { -desc => 'title_length' } })->get_column ('title')->all ], [ "Generic Manufactured Singles", "Come Be Depressed With Us", "Caterwaulin' Blues", "Spoonful of bees", "Forkful of bees", ], 'Subquery count induced by aliased ordering function', ); }); # test for prefetch not leaking { my $rs = $schema->resultset("CD")->search({}, { prefetch => 'artist' }); my $rsc = $rs->get_column('year'); is( $rsc->{_parent_resultset}->{attrs}->{prefetch}, undef, 'prefetch wiped' ); } # test sum() is ($schema->resultset('BooksInLibrary')->get_column ('price')->sum, 125, 'Sum of a resultset works correctly'); # test sum over search_related my $owner = $schema->resultset('Owners')->find ({ name => 'Newton' }); ok ($owner->books->count > 1, 'Owner Newton has multiple books'); is ($owner->search_related ('books')->get_column ('price')->sum, 60, 'Correctly calculated price of all owned books'); # make sure joined/prefetched get_column of a PK dtrt $rs->reset; my $j_rs = $rs->search ({}, { join => 'tracks' })->get_column ('cdid'); is_deeply ( [ $j_rs->all ], [ map { my $c = $rs->next; ( ($c->id) x $c->tracks->count ) } (1 .. $rs->count) ], 'join properly explodes amount of rows from get_column', ); $rs->reset; my $p_rs = $rs->search ({}, { prefetch => 'tracks' })->get_column ('cdid'); is_deeply ( [ $p_rs->all ], [ $rs->get_column ('cdid')->all ], 'prefetch properly collapses amount of rows from get_column', ); done_testing;