use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use lib qw(t/lib); use DBICTest; use DBIC::SqlMakerTest; use DBIC::DebugObj; my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(); # Check the defined unique constraints is_deeply( [ sort $schema->source('CD')->unique_constraint_names ], [ qw/cd_artist_title primary/ ], 'CD source has an automatically named unique constraint' ); is_deeply( [ sort $schema->source('Producer')->unique_constraint_names ], [ qw/primary prod_name/ ], 'Producer source has a named unique constraint' ); is_deeply( [ sort $schema->source('Track')->unique_constraint_names ], [ qw/primary track_cd_position track_cd_title/ ], 'Track source has three unique constraints' ); my $artistid = 1; my $title = 'UNIQUE Constraint'; my $cd1 = $schema->resultset('CD')->find_or_create({ artist => $artistid, title => $title, year => 2005, }); my $cd2 = $schema->resultset('CD')->find( { artist => $artistid, title => $title, }, { key => 'cd_artist_title' } ); is($cd2->get_column('artist'), $cd1->get_column('artist'), 'find by specific key: artist is correct'); is($cd2->title, $cd1->title, 'title is correct'); is($cd2->year, $cd1->year, 'year is correct'); my $cd3 = $schema->resultset('CD')->find($artistid, $title, { key => 'cd_artist_title' }); is($cd3->get_column('artist'), $cd1->get_column('artist'), 'find by specific key, ordered columns: artist is correct'); is($cd3->title, $cd1->title, 'title is correct'); is($cd3->year, $cd1->year, 'year is correct'); my $cd4 = $schema->resultset('CD')->update_or_create( { artist => $artistid, title => $title, year => 2007, }, ); ok(! $cd4->is_changed, 'update_or_create without key: row is clean'); is($cd4->cdid, $cd2->cdid, 'cdid is correct'); is($cd4->get_column('artist'), $cd2->get_column('artist'), 'artist is correct'); is($cd4->title, $cd2->title, 'title is correct'); is($cd4->year, 2007, 'updated year is correct'); my $cd5 = $schema->resultset('CD')->update_or_create( { artist => $artistid, title => $title, year => 2007, }, { key => 'cd_artist_title' } ); ok(! $cd5->is_changed, 'update_or_create by specific key: row is clean'); is($cd5->cdid, $cd2->cdid, 'cdid is correct'); is($cd5->get_column('artist'), $cd2->get_column('artist'), 'artist is correct'); is($cd5->title, $cd2->title, 'title is correct'); is($cd5->year, 2007, 'updated year is correct'); my $cd6 = $schema->resultset('CD')->update_or_create( { cdid => $cd2->cdid, artist => 1, title => $cd2->title, year => 2005, }, { key => 'primary' } ); ok(! $cd6->is_changed, 'update_or_create by PK: row is clean'); is($cd6->cdid, $cd2->cdid, 'cdid is correct'); is($cd6->get_column('artist'), $cd2->get_column('artist'), 'artist is correct'); is($cd6->title, $cd2->title, 'title is correct'); is($cd6->year, 2005, 'updated year is correct'); my $cd7 = $schema->resultset('CD')->find_or_create( { artist => $artistid, title => $title, year => 2010, }, { key => 'cd_artist_title' } ); is($cd7->cdid, $cd1->cdid, 'find_or_create by specific key: cdid is correct'); is($cd7->get_column('artist'), $cd1->get_column('artist'), 'artist is correct'); is($cd7->title, $cd1->title, 'title is correct'); is($cd7->year, $cd1->year, 'year is correct'); my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find($artistid); my $cd8 = $artist->find_or_create_related('cds', { title => $title, year => 2020, }, { key => 'cd_artist_title' } ); is($cd8->cdid, $cd1->cdid, 'find_or_create related by specific key: cdid is correct'); is($cd8->get_column('artist'), $cd1->get_column('artist'), 'artist is correct'); is($cd8->title, $cd1->title, 'title is correct'); is($cd8->year, $cd1->year, 'year is correct'); my $cd9 = $artist->cds->update_or_create( { cdid => $cd1->cdid, title => $title, year => 2021, }, { key => 'cd_artist_title' } ); ok(! $cd9->is_changed, 'update_or_create by specific key: row is clean'); is($cd9->cdid, $cd1->cdid, 'cdid is correct'); is($cd9->get_column('artist'), $cd1->get_column('artist'), 'artist is correct'); is($cd9->title, $cd1->title, 'title is correct'); is($cd9->year, 2021, 'year is correct'); # Table with two unique constraints, and we're satisying one of them my $track = $schema->resultset('Track')->find( { cd => 1, position => 3, }, { order_by => 'position' } ); is($track->get_column('cd'), 1, 'track cd is correct'); is($track->get_column('position'), 3, 'track position is correct'); # Test a table with a unique constraint but no primary key my $row = $schema->resultset('NoPrimaryKey')->update_or_create( { foo => 1, bar => 2, baz => 3, }, { key => 'foo_bar' } ); ok(! $row->is_changed, 'update_or_create on table without primary key: row is clean'); is($row->foo, 1, 'foo is correct'); is($row->bar, 2, 'bar is correct'); is($row->baz, 3, 'baz is correct'); # Test a unique condition with extra information in the where attr { my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({ artistid => 1 }); my $cd = $artist->cds->find_or_new( { cdid => 1, title => 'Not The Real Title', year => 3000, }, { key => 'primary' } ); ok($cd->in_storage, 'find correctly grepped the key across a relationship'); is($cd->cdid, 1, 'cdid is correct'); } # Test update_or_new { my $cd1 = $schema->resultset('CD')->update_or_new( { artist => $artistid, title => "SuperHits $$", year => 2007, }, { key => 'cd_artist_title' } ); is($cd1->in_storage, 0, 'CD is not in storage yet after update_or_new'); $cd1->insert; ok($cd1->in_storage, 'CD got added to strage after update_or_new && insert'); my $cd2 = $schema->resultset('CD')->update_or_new( { artist => $artistid, title => "SuperHits $$", year => 2008, }, { key => 'cd_artist_title' } ); ok($cd2->in_storage, 'Updating year using update_or_new was successful'); is($cd2->id, $cd1->id, 'Got the same CD using update_or_new'); } # make sure the ident condition is assembled sanely { my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->next; my ($sql, @bind); $schema->storage->debugobj(DBIC::DebugObj->new(\$sql, \@bind)), $schema->storage->debug(1); $artist->discard_changes; is_same_sql_bind ( $sql, \@bind, 'SELECT me.artistid,, me.rank, me.charfield FROM artist me WHERE me.artistid = ?', [qw/'1'/], ); $schema->storage->debug(0); $schema->storage->debugobj(undef); } done_testing;