package dbixcsl_mssql_extra_tests; use Test::More; use Test::Exception; my $vendor = 'mssql'; sub vendor { shift; $vendor = shift; } # for cleanup in END my $saved_dbh; sub extra { +{ create => [ qq{ CREATE TABLE [${vendor}] ( id INT IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, dat VARCHAR(8) ) }, qq{ CREATE TABLE ${vendor}_loader_test2 ( id INT IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, dat VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'foo', num NUMERIC DEFAULT 10.89, anint INT DEFAULT 6, ts DATETIME DEFAULT getdate() ) }, qq{ CREATE TABLE ${vendor}_loader_test3 ( id INT IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ) }, qq{ CREATE VIEW ${vendor}_loader_test4 AS SELECT * FROM ${vendor}_loader_test3 }, ], drop => [ "[${vendor}]", "${vendor}_loader_test2", "${vendor}_loader_test3" ], count => 15, run => sub { my ($schema, $monikers, $classes) = @_; # Test that the table above (with '.' in name) gets loaded correctly. my $vendor_titlecased = "\u\L$vendor"; ok((my $rs = eval { $schema->resultset("${vendor_titlecased}LoaderTest1Dot") }), 'got a resultset for table with dot in name'); ok((my $from = eval { $rs->result_source->from }), 'got an $rsrc->from for table with dot in name'); is ref($from), 'SCALAR', '->table with dot in name is a scalar ref'; is eval { $$from }, "[${vendor}]", '->table with dot in name has correct name'; # Test that column defaults are set correctly ok(($rs = eval { $schema->resultset("${vendor_titlecased}LoaderTest2") }), 'got a resultset for table with column with default value'); my $rsrc = $rs->result_source; is eval { $rsrc->column_info('dat')->{default_value} }, 'foo', 'correct default_value for column with literal string default'; is eval { $rsrc->column_info('anint')->{default_value} }, 6, 'correct default_value for column with literal integer default'; cmp_ok eval { $rsrc->column_info('num')->{default_value} }, '==', 10.89, 'correct default_value for column with literal numeric default'; ok((my $function_default = eval { $rsrc->column_info('ts')->{default_value} }), 'got default_value for column with function default'); is ref($function_default), 'SCALAR', 'default_value for function default is a SCALAR ref'; is eval { $$function_default }, 'getdate()', 'default_value for function default is correct'; # Test that identity columns do not have 'identity' in the data_type, and do # have is_auto_increment. my $identity_col_info = $schema->resultset('LoaderTest10') ->result_source->column_info('id10'); is $identity_col_info->{data_type}, 'int', q{'INT IDENTITY' column has data_type => 'int'}; is $identity_col_info->{is_auto_increment}, 1, q{'INT IDENTITY' column has is_auto_increment => 1}; # Test that a bad view (where underlying table is gone) is ignored. $saved_dbh = $schema->storage->dbh; $saved_dbh->do("DROP TABLE ${vendor}_loader_test3"); my @warnings; { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, $_[0] }; $schema->rescan; } ok ((grep /^Bad table or view '${vendor}_loader_test4'/, @warnings), 'bad view ignored'); throws_ok { $schema->resultset("${vendor_titlecased}LoaderTest4") } qr/Can't find source/, 'no source registered for bad view'; }, }} # Clean up the bad view, table will be cleaned up in drops END { local $@; eval { $saved_dbh->do($_) for ( "CREATE TABLE ${vendor}_loader_test3 (id INT IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)", "DROP VIEW ${vendor}_loader_test4" ); }; } 1;