package Class::MOP::Module; use strict; use warnings; use Carp 'confess'; use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; our $VERSION = '0.98'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN'; use base 'Class::MOP::Package'; sub _new { my $class = shift; return Class::MOP::Class->initialize($class)->new_object(@_) if $class ne __PACKAGE__; my $params = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : {@_}; return bless { # from Class::MOP::Package package => $params->{package}, namespace => \undef, # attributes version => \undef, authority => \undef } => $class; } sub version { my $self = shift; ${$self->get_package_symbol({ sigil => '$', type => 'SCALAR', name => 'VERSION' })}; } sub authority { my $self = shift; ${$self->get_package_symbol({ sigil => '$', type => 'SCALAR', name => 'AUTHORITY' })}; } sub identifier { my $self = shift; join '-' => ( $self->name, ($self->version || ()), ($self->authority || ()), ); } sub create { confess "The Class::MOP::Module->create method has been made a private object method.\n"; } sub _instantiate_module { my($self, $version, $authority) = @_; my $package_name = $self->name; Class::MOP::_is_valid_class_name($package_name) || confess "creation of $package_name failed: invalid package name"; no strict 'refs'; scalar %{ $package_name . '::' }; # touch the stash ${ $package_name . '::VERSION' } = $version if defined $version; ${ $package_name . '::AUTHORITY' } = $authority if defined $authority; return; } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Class::MOP::Module - Module Meta Object =head1 DESCRIPTION A module is essentially a L with metadata, in our case the version and authority. =head1 INHERITANCE B is a subclass of L. =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item B<< $metamodule->version >> This is a read-only attribute which returns the C<$VERSION> of the package, if one exists. =item B<< $metamodule->authority >> This is a read-only attribute which returns the C<$AUTHORITY> of the package, if one exists. =item B<< $metamodule->identifier >> This constructs a string which combines the name, version and authority. =item B<< Class::MOP::Module->meta >> This will return a L instance for this class. =back =head1 AUTHORS Stevan Little Estevan@iinteractive.comE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2006-2010 by Infinity Interactive, Inc. L This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut