package Class::MOP::Mixin::HasMethods; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.98'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN'; use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; use Carp 'confess'; use Sub::Name 'subname'; use base 'Class::MOP::Mixin'; sub method_metaclass { $_[0]->{'method_metaclass'} } sub wrapped_method_metaclass { $_[0]->{'wrapped_method_metaclass'} } # This doesn't always get initialized in a constructor because there is a # weird object construction path for subclasses of Class::MOP::Class. At one # point, this always got initialized by calling into the XS code first, but # that is no longer guaranteed to happen. sub _method_map { $_[0]->{'methods'} ||= {} } sub wrap_method_body { my ( $self, %args ) = @_; ( 'CODE' eq ref $args{body} ) || confess "Your code block must be a CODE reference"; $self->method_metaclass->wrap( package_name => $self->name, %args, ); } sub add_method { my ( $self, $method_name, $method ) = @_; ( defined $method_name && length $method_name ) || confess "You must define a method name"; my $body; if ( blessed($method) ) { $body = $method->body; if ( $method->package_name ne $self->name ) { $method = $method->clone( package_name => $self->name, name => $method_name, ) if $method->can('clone'); } $method->attach_to_class($self); } else { # If a raw code reference is supplied, its method object is not created. # The method object won't be created until required. $body = $method; } $self->_method_map->{$method_name} = $method; my ( $current_package, $current_name ) = Class::MOP::get_code_info($body); if ( !defined $current_name || $current_name =~ /^__ANON__/ ) { my $full_method_name = ( $self->name . '::' . $method_name ); subname( $full_method_name => $body ); } $self->add_package_symbol( { sigil => '&', type => 'CODE', name => $method_name }, $body, ); } sub _code_is_mine { my ( $self, $code ) = @_; my ( $code_package, $code_name ) = Class::MOP::get_code_info($code); return $code_package && $code_package eq $self->name || ( $code_package eq 'constant' && $code_name eq '__ANON__' ); } sub has_method { my ( $self, $method_name ) = @_; ( defined $method_name && length $method_name ) || confess "You must define a method name"; return defined( $self->get_method($method_name) ); } sub get_method { my ( $self, $method_name ) = @_; ( defined $method_name && length $method_name ) || confess "You must define a method name"; my $method_map = $self->_method_map; my $map_entry = $method_map->{$method_name}; my $code = $self->get_package_symbol( { name => $method_name, sigil => '&', type => 'CODE', } ); # This seems to happen in some weird cases where methods modifiers are # added via roles or some other such bizareness. Honestly, I don't totally # understand this, but returning the entry works, and keeps various MX # modules from blowing up. - DR return $map_entry if blessed $map_entry && !$code; return $map_entry if blessed $map_entry && $map_entry->body == $code; unless ($map_entry) { return unless $code && $self->_code_is_mine($code); } $code ||= $map_entry; return $method_map->{$method_name} = $self->wrap_method_body( body => $code, name => $method_name, associated_metaclass => $self, ); } sub remove_method { my ( $self, $method_name ) = @_; ( defined $method_name && length $method_name ) || confess "You must define a method name"; my $removed_method = delete $self->_full_method_map->{$method_name}; $self->remove_package_symbol( { sigil => '&', type => 'CODE', name => $method_name } ); $removed_method->detach_from_class if $removed_method && blessed $removed_method; # still valid, since we just removed the method from the map $self->update_package_cache_flag; return $removed_method; } sub get_method_list { my $self = shift; return grep { $self->has_method($_) } keys %{ $self->namespace }; } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Class::MOP::Mixin::HasMethods - Methods for metaclasses which have methods =head1 DESCRIPTION This class implements methods for metaclasses which have methods (L and L). See L for API details. =head1 AUTHORS Dave Rolsky Eautarch@urth.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2006-2010 by Infinity Interactive, Inc. L This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut