use strict; use lib qw(t/lib); use dbixcsl_common_tests; use Test::More; use Test::Exception; use List::MoreUtils 'apply'; my $dsn = $ENV{DBICTEST_SYBASE_DSN} || ''; my $user = $ENV{DBICTEST_SYBASE_USER} || ''; my $password = $ENV{DBICTEST_SYBASE_PASS} || ''; my $tester = dbixcsl_common_tests->new( vendor => 'sybase', auto_inc_pk => 'INTEGER IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', default_function => 'getdate()', default_function_def => 'AS getdate()', dsn => $dsn, user => $user, password => $password, extra => { create => [ q{ CREATE TABLE sybase_loader_test1 ( id INTEGER IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ts timestamp, computed_dt AS getdate() ) }, # Test data types, see # XXX handle FLOAT(P) at some point # ( ) q{ CREATE TABLE sybase_loader_test2 ( id INTEGER IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, a_text TEXT, a_unitext UNITEXT, an_image IMAGE, a_bigint BIGINT, an_int INT, an_integer INTEGER, a_smallint SMALLINT, a_tinyint TINYINT, a_real REAL, a_double_precision DOUBLE PRECISION, a_date DATE, a_time TIME, a_datetime DATETIME, a_smalldatetime SMALLDATETIME, a_money MONEY, a_smallmoney SMALLMONEY, a_timestamp timestamp, a_bit BIT, a_char_with_precision CHAR(2), an_nchar_with_precision NCHAR(2), a_unichar_with_precision UNICHAR(2), a_varchar_with_precision VARCHAR(2), an_nvarchar_with_precision NVARCHAR(2), a_univarchar_with_precision UNIVARCHAR(2), a_float FLOAT, a_binary_with_precision BINARY(2), a_varbinary_with_precision VARBINARY(2), the_numeric NUMERIC(6,3), the_decimal DECIMAL(6,3) ) }, ], drop => [ qw/ sybase_loader_test1 sybase_loader_test2 / ], count => 36, run => sub { my ($schema, $monikers, $classes) = @_; my $rs = $schema->resultset($monikers->{sybase_loader_test1}); my $rsrc = $rs->result_source; is $rsrc->column_info('id')->{data_type}, 'int', 'INTEGER IDENTITY data_type is correct'; is $rsrc->column_info('id')->{is_auto_increment}, 1, 'INTEGER IDENTITY is_auto_increment => 1'; is $rsrc->column_info('ts')->{data_type}, 'timestamp', 'timestamps have the correct data_type'; is $rsrc->column_info('ts')->{inflate_datetime}, 0, 'timestamps have inflate_datetime => 0'; ok ((exists $rsrc->column_info('computed_dt')->{data_type} && (not defined $rsrc->column_info('computed_dt')->{data_type})), 'data_type for computed column exists and is undef') or diag "Data type is: ", $rsrc->column_info('computed_dt')->{data_type} ; my $computed_dt_default = $rsrc->column_info('computed_dt')->{default_value}; ok ((ref $computed_dt_default eq 'SCALAR'), 'default_value for computed column is a scalar ref') or diag "default_value is: ", $computed_dt_default ; eval { is $$computed_dt_default, 'getdate()', 'default_value for computed column is correct' }; $rsrc = $schema->resultset($monikers->{sybase_loader_test2}) ->result_source; my @type_columns = grep /^a/, $rsrc->columns; my @without_precision = grep !/_with_precision\z/, @type_columns; my @with_precision = grep /_with_precision\z/, @type_columns; my %with_precision; @with_precision{ apply { s/_with_precision\z// } @with_precision } = (); for my $col (@without_precision) { my ($data_type) = $col =~ /^an?_(.*)/; $data_type =~ s/_/ /g; ok((not exists $rsrc->column_info($col)->{size}), "$data_type " . (exists $with_precision{$col} ? 'without precision ' : '') . "has no 'size' column_info") or diag "size is ".$rsrc->column_info($col)->{size}."\n"; } for my $col (@with_precision) { my ($data_type) = $col =~ /^an?_(.*)_with_precision\z/; ($data_type = uc $data_type) =~ s/_/ /g; my $size = $rsrc->column_info($col)->{size}; is $size, 2, "$data_type with precision has a correct 'size' column_info"; } is_deeply $rsrc->column_info('the_numeric')->{size}, [6,3], 'size for NUMERIC(precision, scale) is correct'; is_deeply $rsrc->column_info('the_decimal')->{size}, [6,3], 'size for DECIMAL(precision, scale) is correct'; }, }, ); if( !$dsn || !$user ) { $tester->skip_tests('You need to set the DBICTEST_SYBASE_DSN, _USER, and _PASS environment variables'); } else { $tester->run_tests(); }