use strict; use warnings; use Config; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use File::Basename qw(dirname); use Getopt::Long; eval "use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Coverage"; $@ or print "Adding testcover target\n"; use vars qw($opt_default $opt_libpath $opt_static); GetOptions( "default", \$opt_default, "lib=s", \$opt_libpath, "static", \$opt_static, ); $opt_default ||= $ENV{CRYPT_SSLEAY_DEFAULT}; # FIND POSSIBLE SSL INSTALLATIONS my @POSSIBLE_SSL_DIRS; if ($opt_libpath) { # explicit from command-line @POSSIBLE_SSL_DIRS = ($opt_libpath); $opt_default = 1; } elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { @POSSIBLE_SSL_DIRS = 'c:\\openssl'; } elsif ($^O eq 'VMS') { @POSSIBLE_SSL_DIRS = '/ssl$root'; } else { # Unix and the rest @POSSIBLE_SSL_DIRS = qw( /local /local/ssl /opt/ssl /usr /usr/local /usr/local/ssl /usr/local/openssl ); } my @CANDIDATE = do { my %seen; grep {!$seen{$_->{check}}++} map {Candidate($_)} @POSSIBLE_SSL_DIRS }; if (@CANDIDATE == 0) { $opt_default = 0; my $bar = '=' x 72; print <<"INFO"; $bar No installed SSL libraries found in any of the following places. INFO print " $_\n" for @POSSIBLE_SSL_DIRS; print <<"INFO"; You will have to either specify a directory location at the following prompt, or rerun the Makefile.PL program and use the --lib switch to specify the path. If the path in question is considered standard on your platform, please consider filing a bug report in order to have it taken into account in a subsequent version of Crypt::SSLeay. INFO if (-f '/etc/debian_version') { print <<"DEBIAN_INFO"; This host looks like it is running Debian. Crypt::SSLeay needs to be compiled with C headers that the libssl-dev package makes available. Please install that package before trying to build this module. (You can always deinstall the package afterwards, once Crypt::SSLeay has been built). DEBIAN_INFO } } my $SSL_DIR; my $pkg_config; if (@CANDIDATE == 1) { $pkg_config = $CANDIDATE[0]; if ($opt_default) { $SSL_DIR = $pkg_config->{dir}; } else { print <<"INFO"; ======================================================= Only one $pkg_config->{type} installation found at $pkg_config->{dir} Consider running 'perl Makefile.PL --default' the next time Crypt::SSLeay is upgraded to select this directory automatically thereby avoiding the following prompt. ======================================================= INFO } } elsif (@CANDIDATE > 1) { print "Found multiple possibilities for OpenSSL\n"; for my $c (@CANDIDATE) { print " $c->{dir} ($c->{type} $c->{ver})\n"; } } if (not $SSL_DIR) { my %cand; for my $c (@CANDIDATE) { $cand{$c->{dir}} = {%$c}; } $SSL_DIR = prompt "Which SSL install path do you want to use?", $CANDIDATE[0]->{dir}; if (exists $cand{$SSL_DIR}) { # we've already determined that this directory is usable $pkg_config = $cand{$SSL_DIR}; } else { # unknown directory, better check it out $pkg_config = Candidate($SSL_DIR); if (not $pkg_config) { die <<"INFO"; $SSL_DIR does not appear to be an SSL library installation, since the required header files were not found. The build cannot proceed. INFO } } } # note: $SSL_DIR is now sane at this point my (@INC_FLAGS, @LIB_FLAGS); if ($^O eq 'VMS') { push @INC_FLAGS, "-I$pkg_config->{inc}"; push @LIB_FLAGS, qw(-L/SYS$SHARE -lSSL$LIBSSL_SHR32 -lSSL$LIBCRYPTO_SHR32); } elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { # external tools probably expect \ and not / for path separators $SSL_DIR =~ tr{/}{\\}; # default to drive C: if no drive or relative path $SSL_DIR = "c:$SSL_DIR" if $SSL_DIR !~ m{\A(?:[a-z]:|\.\.[\\/])}i; my $inc = $pkg_config->{inc}; $inc =~ tr{/}{\\}; $inc = "c:$inc" if $inc !~ m{\A(?:[a-z]:|\.\.[\\/])}i; push @INC_FLAGS, "-I$inc"; push @INC_FLAGS, "-I$SSL_DIR\\inc32" if -d "$SSL_DIR/inc32"; my $vanilla = $Config{cc} eq 'gcc' ? 1 : 0; $vanilla and print "Assuming Vanilla/Strawberry Perl installation\n"; if ($vanilla and -d "$SSL_DIR\\lib\\MinGW") { push @LIB_FLAGS, "-L$SSL_DIR\\lib\\MinGW"; } elsif(-d "$SSL_DIR/lib") { push @LIB_FLAGS, "-L$SSL_DIR\\lib"; } else { my $dir = $opt_static ? "$SSL_DIR\\out32" : "$SSL_DIR\\out32dll"; if (-d $dir) { push @LIB_FLAGS, "-L$dir"; } else { # Allow developers to point at OpenSSL source... push @LIB_FLAGS, "-L$SSL_DIR"; } } push @LIB_FLAGS, qw(-lssleay32 -llibeay32); push @LIB_FLAGS, qw(-lRSAglue -lrsaref) if $pkg_config->{type} ne 'OpenSSL'; } else { push @INC_FLAGS, "-I$pkg_config->{inc}"; push @LIB_FLAGS, "-L$pkg_config->{lib}", qw(-lssl -lcrypto -lgcc); push @LIB_FLAGS, qw(-lRSAglue -lrsaref) if $pkg_config->{type} ne 'OpenSSL'; # ccc on alpha support if ($^O eq 'linux' and `uname -m` =~ /alpha/ and !(system("nm $SSL_DIR/lib/libssl.a|grep -q 'U _Ots'")>>8) ) { push @LIB_FLAGS, '-lots'; } # this fix was suggested for building on RedHat 9 push @INC_FLAGS, '-I/usr/kerberos/include' if -d '/usr/kerberos/include'; } # write include file that determines ssl support # we need to include crypto.h for SSLeay so the version gets picked up in SSLeay.xs open(INCLUDE, ">crypt_ssleay_version.h") || die("can't open crypt_ssleay_version.h for writing: $!"); print INCLUDE <<"INFO"; #include "$pkg_config->{prefix}ssl.h" #include "$pkg_config->{prefix}crypto.h" #include "$pkg_config->{prefix}err.h" #include "$pkg_config->{prefix}rand.h" #include "$pkg_config->{prefix}pkcs12.h" INFO if ($] < 5.005) { print "adding PL_sv_undef symbol for this ancient perl installation"; print INCLUDE <<"INFO"; /* defining PL_sv_undef for very old perls ($]) */ #ifndef PL_sv_undef #define PL_sv_undef sv_undef #endif INFO } if ($pkg_config->{type} eq 'OpenSSL') { # OPENSSL_free defined in OpenSSL 0.9.6 and higher if ($pkg_config->{ver} =~ /\b0\.9\.[2-5]/) { print INCLUDE "#define CRYPT_SSLEAY_free free\n"; } else { print INCLUDE "#define CRYPT_SSLEAY_free OPENSSL_free\n"; } } else { print INCLUDE "#define CRYPT_SSLEAY_free free\n"; } close INCLUDE or die "Cannot close crypt_ssleay_version.h for output: $!\n"; print <<"INFO"; BUILD INFORMATION ================================================ ssl library: $pkg_config->{type} $pkg_config->{ver} in $SSL_DIR ssl header: $pkg_config->{prefix}ssl.h libraries: @LIB_FLAGS include dir: @INC_FLAGS ================================================ INFO my @license = do { my $version = $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION; $version =~ tr/_//d; $version} > 6.30 ? qw(LICENSE perl) : (); WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Crypt::SSLeay', AUTHOR => 'David Landgren', ABSTRACT_FROM => '', VERSION_FROM => '', LIBS => ["@LIB_FLAGS"], INC => "@INC_FLAGS", NEEDS_LINKING => 1, clean => { FILES => 'crypt_ssleay_version.h test.config', }, @license, ); if (open OUT, '> test.config') { print OUT <<"INFO"; ssl $pkg_config->{type} $pkg_config->{ver} in $SSL_DIR lib @LIB_FLAGS inc @INC_FLAGS cc $Config{cc} INFO print <<"INFO"; The test suite can attempt to connect to public servers to ensure that the code is working properly. If you are behind a strict firewall or have no network connectivity, these tests may fail (through no fault of the code). INFO my $network_tests = prompt "Do you want to run the live tests (y/N) ?", 'N'; print OUT "network_tests ", ($network_tests =~ /y/i) ? 1 : 0, "\n"; close OUT; } ## HELPERS sub Candidate { my $dir = shift; return unless -d $dir; my $inc_dir; my $version_file; for ( "$dir/inc32/openssl/opensslv.h", # old win32 builds "$dir/crypto/opensslv.h", # cygwin32 builds "$dir/include/openssl/opensslv.h", "$dir/../include/openssl/opensslv.h", # Solaris "$dir/include/opensslv.h", "$dir/include/crypto.h" ) { if (-e $_) { $version_file = $_; last; } } return unless defined $version_file; my $fingerprint = join(':', (stat $version_file)[0,1]); my $open_ssl = ($version_file =~ /openssl/i) ? 1 : 0; $inc_dir = dirname($version_file); return unless -e "$inc_dir/ssl.h"; my $prefix; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { $inc_dir =~ s{[\\/]openssl\z}{}; $prefix = 'openssl/'; } elsif (index($inc_dir, '/../') > -1) { # OpenSSL include directory is in a sibling directory $inc_dir =~ s{\/openssl\z}{}; $prefix = 'openssl/'; } else { $prefix = ($inc_dir =~ /\bopenssl/i) ? 'openssl/' : ''; } open(VERSION_FILE, $version_file) or return; my $version_match = $open_ssl ? "OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER" : "SSLEAY_VERSION_NUMBER"; my $version; my $type; while () { if (/^#define\s+$version_match\s+0x0+(\d\d\d)/) { $version = $1; $version =~ s/(\d)0(\d)/$1$2/; $type = ($version > 92) ? "OpenSSL" : "SSLeay"; $version = join('.', split(//, "0$version")); last; } } close(VERSION_FILE); # Silly test to look for the library files my $found_lib; my $libd; my $subdir = $opt_static ? 'out32' : 'out32dll'; if (-d "$dir/$subdir") { $libd = [$subdir]; } elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and $Config{cc} eq 'gcc') { $libd = ['lib/MinGW']; } else { # second attempt is for Solaris, like the include directory, the # library directory may be in a sibling directory $libd = ['lib', '../lib']; } SCAN: for my $d (@$libd) { my $lib_dir = "$dir/$d"; if (opendir(LIBDIR, $lib_dir)) { while (defined($_ = readdir(LIBDIR))) { if (/\A(?:lib(?:crypto|eay32|ssl)|ssleay32)/) { $found_lib = $lib_dir; last SCAN; } } closedir(LIBDIR); } } if (!$found_lib) { my @tried = join( ',' => map {"$dir/$_"} @$libd); print "Did not locate expected SSL library files in @tried\n"; } return { dir => $dir, inc => $inc_dir, lib => $found_lib, ver => $version, type => $type, prefix => $prefix, check => $fingerprint, }; }