package Class::DBI::Relationship::HasA; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Class::DBI::Relationship'; sub remap_arguments { my $proto = shift; my $class = shift; $class->_invalid_object_method('has_a()') if ref $class; my $column = $class->find_column(+shift) or return $class->_croak("has_a needs a valid column"); my $a_class = shift or $class->_croak("$class $column needs an associated class"); my %meths = @_; return ($class, $column, $a_class, \%meths); } sub triggers { my $self = shift; $self->class->_require_class($self->foreign_class); my $column = $self->accessor; return ( select => $self->_inflator, "after_set_$column" => $self->_inflator, deflate_for_create => $self->_deflator(1), deflate_for_update => $self->_deflator, ); } sub _inflator { my $self = shift; my $col = $self->accessor; return sub { my $self = shift; defined(my $value = $self->_attrs($col)) or return; my $meta = $self->meta_info(has_a => $col); my ($a_class, %meths) = ($meta->foreign_class, %{ $meta->args }); return if ref $value and $value->isa($a_class); my $inflator; my $get_new_value = sub { my ($inflator, $value, $want_class, $obj) = @_; my $new_value = (ref $inflator eq 'CODE') ? $inflator->($value, $obj) : $want_class->$inflator($value); return $new_value; }; # If we have a custom inflate ... if (exists $meths{'inflate'}) { $value = $get_new_value->($meths{'inflate'}, $value, $a_class, $self); return $self->_attribute_store($col, $value) if ref $value and $value->isa($a_class); $self->_croak("Inflate method didn't inflate right") if ref $value; } return $self->_croak("Can't inflate $col to $a_class using '$value': " . ref($value) . " is not a $a_class") if ref $value; $inflator = $a_class->isa('Class::DBI') ? "_simple_bless" : "new"; $value = $get_new_value->($inflator, $value, $a_class); return $self->_attribute_store($col, $value) if ref $value and $value->isa($a_class); # use ref as $obj may be overloaded and appear 'false' return $self->_croak( "Can't inflate $col to $a_class " . "via $inflator using '$value'") unless ref $value; }; } sub _deflator { my ($self, $always) = @_; my $col = $self->accessor; return sub { my $self = shift; return unless $self->_attribute_exists($col); $self->_attribute_store($col => $self->_deflated_column($col)) if ($always or $self->{__Changed}->{$col}); }; } sub _set_up_class_data { my $self = shift; $self->class->_extend_class_data(__hasa_rels => $self->accessor => [ $self->foreign_class, %{ $self->args } ]); $self->SUPER::_set_up_class_data; } 1;