applyPatches   [plain text]


# These are the patches to apply.
# Paths in patch files are relative to the root of the CPAN project
my (@patchesToApply) = (
    # <rdar://problem/9559834> CPANInternal-103 (and earlier?) no longer builds
    # Disables all HTTP-Proxy tests which seem to depend on external web servers.

    # <rdar://problem/8302449> CPANInternal build ignores test failure in Path-Class
    # A long-standing oversight in the Makefile caused test results for all Module::Build modules
    # to be ignored. This patch disables a test which is broken when OBJROOT is somewhere in /tmp/.
    # A long-standing failure which is probably safe to ignore.

    # <rdar://problem/7812410> CBL Tiger can't find _normalize_tai_seconds
    # DateTime's Build.PL is patched to accept linker/compiler flags. Without these, the
    # DateTime.bundle will build thin (esp. important for Tiger)

	# <rdar://problem/7817393> CPANInternal JSON-Any project fails running buildit on SnowLeopard
	# The test fails because it sets the pretty_print option on the JSON object, which results in a
	# trailing return placed in the 'actual' value, but is not specified in the 'expected' value.

    # Evolution's module uses a customized version of
    # The modifications to are to support the additional features.
    # The other main modification to is to support a catch clause
    # that operates the same as the standard Error's otherwise clause
    # (this is used by Evolution's Exception).
    # Radar 3623559 has been written to back this patch out later.

    # We used to patch DBD-SQLite-1.07, but now that we've updated to
    # DBD-SQLite-1.13, this isn't necessary.
    # --- Unused: ---
    # DBD-SQLite-1.07 puts up a warning about being incompatible with SQLite2
    # and then prompts whether to continue - the default is no, which is what
    # happens with buildit
    # We could probably work around this in the Makefile but in order to keep
    # that as general as possible, this patch just changes the default to
    # yes
    # Also, work around unitialized variable warnings in dbdimp.c

    ## the self test trys to connect to a unreliable server. 
    ## so we skip those test
    # disabled 3/9/2010 by DJW (<rdar://problem/7720374> Upgrade httpProxy on buildcentral to a newer version)
    # './PatchFiles/23connect.t.diff',      

    ## expat has to be set up for XML-Parser

    ## SOAP::Lite applied a patch for version .65 that
    ## does not work as advertised. The previous 
    ## code worked as expected. 
    # <rdar://problem/5460193> SOAP::Lite isn't compressing

    # <rdar://problem/6319392> SS2 fails to submit when submission notes contain "http:"

	# radar://8453094

   ## JSON-Syck is replaced by YAML-Syck 0.82 which includes JSON-Syck
   ## 0.21.  It doesn't require this patch.
   ## --- Unused: ---
   ## JSON-Syck: in syck.h there is a test on the flag
   ## HAVE_STDLIB_H which is not set, however the lib does
   ## exist. Without this library the extension will not bulid
   ## so removed the existence test and always include the lib
   #   './PatchFiles/syck.h.diff',

   # 4546994 version perl module builds thin
   # A Module::Build bug prevents us from doing this in the Makefile
   # (see

    # Create a default .inflectrc file for Lingua-EN-Inflect
    # indicating that the plural of hongo is hongos

    # Fix an error attempting to locate the default .inflectrc
    # file in Lingua-EN-Inflect

    # Added krb5_set_default_realm function to Authen::Krb5.xs

    # DBIx-Class-Storage-DBI doesn't like to txn_commit when AutoCommit
    # is NOT on ... odd really. Simple patch to workaround this

    # Net-IP installs a couple of executable perl scripts into
    # /usr/bin which we don't need or want to ship...
    # Address a bogus warning we see in SnowLeopard inside Class::Std (6783174)

    # Net::Daemon patch for CPAN bug 39759 

    # Temporarily disable Net::Daemon ithread tests

    # Temporarily disable Net::Daemon ithreadm tests 

    # The First Rule of Sys::Syslog is: You do not call "setlogsock". 
    # The Second Rule of Sys::Syslog is: You do not call "setlogsock". 
    # In the chroot environment, there is no unix domain socket for syslog
    # without launchd plist hackery and other build-time implications.  
    # Don't call setlogsock to force the use of /var/run/syslog if it doesn't exist.

    # PlRPC tests fail due to failure to create a server inside the chroot
    # environment on 5.8/Leopard (see Net::Daemon, above).  Temporarily disable.

    # IPC::LDT changes - replace use of fields / pseudohash with Perl 5.10
    # compatible hash; add can_read method as implemented in Evolution's site_perl_custom.

    # Make JSON::RPC happy with CumulusDB. It shouldn't pass in $self needlessly.


foreach my $patchFile (@patchesToApply) {

# Subroutine that applies the patches
sub applyPatch
    my ($patchFile) = @_;
    my ($status) = system("/usr/bin/patch -p0 < \"$patchFile\"");
    if ($status != 0) {
        print "Unable to apply $patchFile\n";
        exit($status >> 8);