2003-03-16 Darren Duncan * Release 1.011. * This is a small maintenance release that is mainly for improving documentation. Similar maintenance releases are being done with all of my distributions simultaneously. A lot of it was formatting issues that were easy to miss before; the other bullet points below list the non-formatting issues. These files had formatting fixes: VirtualPath.pm, ChangeLog. * The distribution file layouts have also been standardized, with modules going in a "lib" folder and tests going in a "t" folder. "test.pl" was changed to "t/File-VirtualPath.t" and "VirtualPath.pm" was changed to "lib/File/VirtualPath.pm". * Updated NAME in VirtualPath.pm to match the official registered module list. * Updated all Copyright statements to a better (and longer) version, which is dated 1999-2003. Your rights to use these modules haven't changed, but they may now be easier to understand. These statements appear once in the ReadMe file at the bottom (under "AUTHOR"), and twice in each module (.pm file), a full version at the bottom (under "AUTHOR") and a shorter version at the top (in code comments). * Added the "use warnings" pragma at the top of all files beside "use strict"; every occurance of "use strict" gained a "use warnings" whether it was in the module proper or in its test script or in its SYNOPSIS. This should save users from having to put -w on the command line for them. * Incremented the module $VERSION number by 0.001, and all test scripts to require the new version. Also, where any of my modules use others of my modules, they now require the latest version as of this writing, for simplicity of maintenance. * Updated all test scripts to read $verbose from @ARGV (command line arguments), and other test script improvements. * Updated these sections of the ReadMe file: INSTALLATION. 2002-11-26 Darren Duncan * Release 1.01. * Minor bug fix release to remove any 'uninitialized value' warnings that appear when running the test suite with the -w option (but the module had correct output before). Thanks to Baldvin Kovacs for alerting me to the problem (and offering a patch to fix it). * Minor documentation update in the README file so that someone can get an idea what this module does after looking only at the README. This patch was provided by Baldvin Kovacs. 2001-05-28 Darren Duncan * Release 1.0001. * This release fixes minor documentation bugs - mostly in the Synopsis section and the ReadMe file. Nothing was wrong with the code. 2001-04-15 Darren Duncan * Release 1.0. * This release is the first one following official registrations with "The Perl 5 Module List". The updated entry would look like this: File:: ::VirtualPath RdpO Portable abstraction of a file/dir/url path DUNCAND * This release contains my "File::VirtualPath" module, which was previously a part of the following distributions under the temporary names of "CGI::WPM::Globals" (split off of) and "CGI::WPM::FileVirtualPath": - "libdwg": v1.0 r2000-07-23, v1.11 r2000-08-23 - "CGI-WebsiteGenerator": v0.3 r2000-09-04, v0.34 r2001-03-18 - "CGI-WebsiteGenerator": v0.35 r2001-04-06, v0.36 r2001-04-10 - "duncand-prerelease": v0.37 r2001-04-12 * This module requires Perl version 5.004. * This release comes with the CPAN standard files "Makefile.PL", "test.pl", and "MANIFEST", which were all created since the previous release. * A minor code change was made to the chdir() method telling it to explicitely return the value of its last operation, even though Perl would have done it implicitely; this makes it more readable. 2001-04-12 Darren Duncan * duncand-prerelease 0.37, the last version of any distribution to include CGI::WPM::FileVirtualPath, was released. 2001-04-06 Darren Duncan * CGI::WebsiteGenerator 0.35, the first version of any distribution to include CGI::WPM::FileVirtualPath, was released. It was split off of CGI::WPM::Globals. 2000-07-23 Darren Duncan * libdwg 1.0, the first version of any distribution to include CGI::WPM::Globals, was released on CPAN. 2000-05-15 Darren Duncan * Completed primary development on this module. 2000-03-07 Darren Duncan * Began development on the final version of this module. * Module based on a template created by h2xs 1.18. 1999-07 thru 1999-12 * Worked on second prototype of code that ended up in this module. 1999-02 thru 1999-05 * Worked on first prototype of code that ended up in this module.