use strict; $^W = 1; # warnings too my ($testnr, $maxnr, $oknr); BEGIN { $testnr = 1; $maxnr = 42; print "$testnr..$maxnr\n"; } sub ok ($) { if ($_[0]) { print "ok ", $testnr++, "\n"; $oknr++; return 1; } else { print "not ok ", $testnr++, "\n"; my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller; print "# Test failed at $filename line $line.\n"; return undef; } } sub fatal($) { ok(shift) or die; } my $Perl = $^X; use Expect; #$Expect::Exp_Internal = 1; #$Expect::Debug = 1; print "\nBasic tests...\n\n"; { my $exp = Expect->spawn("$Perl -v"); fatal(defined $exp); $exp->log_user(0); fatal($exp->expect(10, "krzlbrtz", "Copyright") == 2); fatal($exp->expect(10, "Larry Wall", "krzlbrtz") == 1); fatal(not $exp->expect(3, "Copyright")); } print "\nTesting exec failure...\n\n"; { my $exp = new Expect; ok(defined $exp); $exp->log_stdout(0); $! = 0; fatal(not defined $exp->spawn("Ignore_This_Error_Its_A_Test__efluna3w6868tn8")); ok($!); my $res = $exp->expect(20, [ "Cannot exec" => sub{ ok(1); }], [ eof => sub{ print "EOF\n"; ok(1) }], [ timeout => sub{ print "TIMEOUT\n"; ok(0) }], ); # ok(defined $res and $res == 1); } print "\nTesting exp_continue...\n\n"; { my $exp = new Expect($Perl . q{ -e 'foreach (qw(A B C D End)) { print "$_\n"; }' }); my $state = "A"; $exp->expect(2, [ "[ABCD]" => sub { my $self = shift; ok($self->match eq $state); $state++; exp_continue; } ], [ "End" => sub { ok($state eq "E"); } ], [ eof => sub { print "EOF\n"; ok(0); } ], [ timeout => sub { print "TIMEOUT\n"; ok(0);} ], ); $exp->hard_close(); } { my $exp = new Expect($Perl . q{ -e 'print "Begin\n"; sleep (5); print "End\n";' }); my $cnt = 0; $exp->expect(1, [ "Begin" => sub { ok(1); exp_continue; } ], [ "End" => sub { ok(1); } ], [ eof => sub { print "EOF\n"; ok(0); } ], [ timeout => sub { $cnt++; ($cnt < 7)? exp_continue : 0;} ], ); ok($cnt > 2 and $cnt < 7); $exp->hard_close(); } { # timeout shouldn't destroy accum contents my $exp = new Expect($Perl . q{ -e 'print "some string\n"; sleep (5);' }); ok(not defined $exp->expect(1, "NoMaTcH")); my $i = $exp->expect(1, '-re', 'some\s'); ok (defined $i and $i == 1); $exp->hard_close(); } print "\nTesting -notransfer...\n\n"; { my $exp = new Expect($Perl . q{ -e 'print "X some other\n"; sleep 5;'}); $exp->notransfer(1); $exp->expect(3, [ "some" => sub { ok(1); } ], [ eof => sub { print "EOF\n"; ok(0); } ], [ timeout => sub { print "TIMEOUT\n"; ok(0);} ], ); $exp->expect(3, [ "some" => sub { ok(1); } ], [ eof => sub { print "EOF\n"; ok(0); } ], [ timeout => sub { print "TIMEOUT\n"; ok(0);} ], ); $exp->expect(3, [ "other" => sub { ok(1); } ], [ eof => sub { print "EOF\n"; ok(0); } ], [ timeout => sub { print "TIMEOUT\n"; ok(0);} ], ); sleep(6); $exp->expect(3, [ "some" => sub { my $self = shift; ok(1); $self->set_accum($self->after()); } ], [ eof => sub { print "EOF\n"; ok(0); } ], [ timeout => sub { print "TIMEOUT\n"; ok(0);} ], ); $exp->expect(3, [ "some" => sub { ok(0); } ], [ "other" => sub { my $self = shift; ok(1); $self->set_accum($self->after()); } ], [ eof => sub { print "EOF\n"; ok(0); } ], [ timeout => sub { print "TIMEOUT\n"; ok(0);} ], ); $exp->expect(3, [ "some" => sub { ok(0); } ], [ "other" => sub { ok(0); } ], [ eof => sub { print "EOF\n"; ok(1); } ], [ timeout => sub { print "TIMEOUT\n"; ok(0);} ], ); } print "\nTesting raw reversing...\n\n"; { my @Strings = ( "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.", "Ein Neger mit Gazelle zagt im Regen nie", "Was ich brauche ist ein Lagertonnennotregal", ); my $exp = new Expect; # my $exp = new Expect ("$Perl -MIO::File -ne 'BEGIN {\$|=1; \$in = new IO::File \">\" or die; \$in->autoflush(1); \$out = new IO::File \">reverse.out\" or die; \$out->autoflush(1); } chomp; print \$in \"\$_\\n\"; \$_ = scalar reverse; print \"\$_\\n\"; print \$out \"\$_\\n\"; '"); print "isatty(\$exp): "; if (POSIX::isatty($exp)) { print "YES\n"; } else { print "NO\n"; } $exp->raw_pty(1); $exp->spawn("$Perl -ne 'chomp; sleep 0; print scalar reverse, \"\\n\"'") or die "Cannot spawn $Perl: $!\n"; my $called = 0; $exp->log_file(sub { $called++; }); foreach my $s (@Strings) { my $rev = scalar reverse $s; $exp->send("$s\n"); $exp->expect(10, [ quotemeta($rev) => sub { ok(1); }], [ timeout => sub { ok(0); die "Timeout"; } ], [ eof => sub { ok(0); die "EOF"; } ], ); } ok($called >= @Strings); $exp->log_file(undef); # now with send_slow $called = 0; $exp->log_file(sub { $called++; }); my $delay = 0.1; foreach my $s (@Strings) { my $rev = scalar reverse $s; my $now = time; $exp->send_slow($delay, "$s\n"); $exp->expect(10, [ quotemeta($rev) => sub { ok(1); }], [ timeout => sub { ok(0); die "Timeout"; } ], [ eof => sub { ok(0); die "EOF"; } ], ); my $dur = time - $now; ok($dur > length($s) * $delay); } ok($called >= @Strings); $exp->log_file(undef); print <<_EOT_; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > The following tests check system-dependend behaviour, so even if some fail, > Expect might still be perfectly usable for you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _EOT_ # we check if the raw pty can handle large chunks of text at once my $randstring = 'fakjdf ijj845jtirg8e 4jy8 gfuoyhjgt8h gues9845th guoaeh gt98hae 45t8u ha8rhg ue4ht 8eh tgo8he4 t8 gfj aoingf9a8hgf uain dgkjadshftuehgfusand987vgh afugh 8h 98H 978H 7HG zG 86G (&g (O/g &(GF(/EG F78G F87SG F(/G F(/a sldjkf hajksdhf jkahsd fjkh asdHJKGDSGFKLZSTRJKSGOSJDFKGHSHGDFJGDSFJKHGSDFHJGSDKFJGSDGFSHJDGFljkhf lakjsdh fkjahs djfk hasjkdh fjklahs dfkjhasdjkf hajksdh fkjah sdjfk hasjkdh fkjashd fjkha sdjkfhehurthuerhtuwe htui eruth ZI AHD BIZA Di7GH )/g98 9 97 86tr(& TA&(t 6t &T 75r 5$R%/4r76 5&/% R79 5 )/&'; my $maxlen; $exp->log_stdout(0); $exp->log_file("test.log"); my $exitloop; $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "TIMEOUT on send" }; foreach my $len (1 .. length($randstring)) { print "$len\r"; my $s = substr($randstring, 0, $len); my $rev = scalar reverse $s; eval { alarm(10); $exp->send("$s\n"); alarm(0); }; if ($@) { ok($maxlen > 80); print "Warning: your raw pty blocks when sending more than $maxlen bytes!\n"; $exitloop = 1; last; } $exp->expect(10, [ quotemeta($rev) => sub {$maxlen = $len; }], [ timeout => sub { ok($maxlen > 160); print "Warning: your raw pty can only handle $maxlen bytes at a time!\n" ; $exitloop = 1; } ], [ eof => sub { ok(0); die "EOF"; } ], ); last if $exitloop; } $exp->log_file(undef); print "Good, your raw pty can handle at least ".length($randstring)." bytes at a time.\n" if not $exitloop; ok($maxlen > 160); } # Now test for the max. line length. Some systems are limited to ~255 # chars per line, after which they start loosing characters. As Cygwin # then hangs and cannot be freed via alarm, we only test up to 160 characters # to avoid that. { my $exp = new Expect ("$Perl -ne 'chomp; sleep 0; print scalar reverse, \"\\n\"'") or die "Cannot spawn $Perl: $!\n"; $exp->log_stdout(0); my $randstring = 'Fakjdf ijj845jtirg8 gfuoyhjgt8h gues9845th guoaeh gt9vgh afugh 8h 98H 97BH 7HG zG 86G (&g (O/g &(GF(/EG F78G F87SG F(/G F(/a slkf ksdheq@f jkahsd fjkh%&/"§ä#üßw'; my $maxlen; my $exitloop; foreach my $len (1 .. length($randstring)) { print "$len\r"; my $s = substr($randstring, 0, $len); my $rev = scalar reverse $s; eval { alarm(10); $exp->send("$s\n"); alarm(0); }; if ($@) { ok($maxlen > 80); print "Warning: your default pty blocks when sending more than $maxlen bytes per line!\n"; $exitloop = 1; last; } $exp->expect(10, [ quotemeta($rev) => sub {$maxlen = $len; }], [ timeout => sub { print "Warning: your default pty can only handle $maxlen bytes at a time!\n" ; $exitloop = 1; } ], [ eof => sub { ok(0); die "EOF"; } ], ); } print "Good, your default pty can handle lines of at least ".length($randstring)." bytes at a time.\n" if not $exitloop; ok($maxlen > 100); } { print "\nTesting controlling terminal...\n\n"; my $exp = new Expect($Perl . q{ -MIO::Handle -e 'open(TTY, "+>/dev/tty") or die "no controlling terminal"; autoflush TTY 1; print TTY "Expect_test_prompt: "; $s = ; chomp $s; print "uc: \U$s\n"; close TTY; exit 0;'}); my $pwd = "pAsswOrd"; $exp->log_file("test_dev_tty.log"); $exp->expect(10, [ qr/Expect_test_prompt:/, sub { my $self = shift; $self->send("$pwd\n"); $exp->log_file(undef); exp_continue; } ], [ qr/(?m:^uc:\s*(\w+))/, sub { my $self = shift; my ($s) = $self->matchlist; chomp $s; print "match: $s\n"; ok($s eq uc($pwd)); } ], [ eof => sub { ok(0); die "EOF"; } ], [ timeout => sub { ok(0); die "Timeout"; } ], ); } print "\nChecking if exit status is returned correctly...\n\n"; { my $exp = new Expect($Perl . q{ -e 'print "Expect_test_pid: $$\n"; sleep 2; exit(42);'}); $exp->expect(10, [ qr/Expect_test_pid:/, sub { my $self = shift; } ], [ eof => sub { print "eof\n"; } ], [ timeout => sub { print "timeout\n";} ], ); my $status = $exp->soft_close(); printf "soft_close: 0x%04X\n", $status; ok($exp->exitstatus() == $status); ok((($status >> 8) & 0x7F) == 42); } print "\nChecking if signal exit status is returned correctly...\n\n"; { my $exp = new Expect($Perl . q{ -e 'print "Expect_test_pid: $$\n"; sleep 2; kill 15, $$;'}); $exp->expect(10, [ qr/Expect_test_pid:/, sub { my $self = shift; } ], [ eof => sub { print "eof\n"; } ], [ timeout => sub { print "timeout\n";} ], ); my $status = $exp->soft_close(); printf "soft_close: 0x%04X\n", $status; ok($exp->exitstatus() == $status); my ($hi, $lo) = (($status >> 8) & 0x7F, $status & 0x7F); ok($hi == 15 or $lo == 15); } print <<__EOT__; Checking if EOF on pty slave is correctly reported to master... (this fails on about 50% of the supported systems, so don't panic! Expect will work anyway!) __EOT__ { my $exp = new Expect($Perl . q{ -e 'close STDIN; close STDOUT; close STDERR; sleep 3;'}); $exp->expect(2, [ eof => sub { print "EOF\n"; } ], [ timeout => sub { print "TIMEOUT\nSorry, you may not notice if the spawned process closes the pty.\n"; } ], ); $exp->hard_close(); } print "Passed $oknr of $maxnr tests.\n"; print <<__EOT__ if ($oknr != $maxnr); Please scroll back and check which test(s) failed and what comments were given. Expect probably is still completely usable!! __EOT__ exit(0);