use strict; use Test::More; use lib qw(t/lib); use dbixcsl_common_tests; eval { require DBD::SQLite }; my $class = $@ ? 'SQLite2' : 'SQLite'; my $tester = dbixcsl_common_tests->new( vendor => 'SQLite', auto_inc_pk => 'INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT', dsn => "dbi:$class:dbname=./t/sqlite_test", user => '', password => '', extra => { create => [ # 'sqlite_' is reserved, so we use 'extra_' q{ CREATE TABLE "extra_loader_test1" ( "id" NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "value" VARCHAR(100) ) }, q{ CREATE TABLE extra_loader_test2 ( event_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ) }, q{ CREATE TABLE extra_loader_test3 ( person_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ) }, # Wordy, newline-heavy SQL to stress the regexes q{ CREATE TABLE extra_loader_test4 ( event_id INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT fk_event_id REFERENCES extra_loader_test2(event_id), person_id INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT fk_person_id REFERENCES extra_loader_test3 (person_id), PRIMARY KEY (event_id, person_id) ) }, ], drop => [ qw/extra_loader_test1 extra_loader_test2 extra_loader_test3 extra_loader_test4 / ], count => 5, run => sub { my ($schema, $monikers, $classes) = @_; ok ((my $rs = $schema->resultset($monikers->{extra_loader_test1})), 'resultset for quoted table'); is_deeply [ $rs->result_source->columns ], [ qw/id value/ ], 'retrieved quoted column names from quoted table'; ok ((my $source = $schema->source($monikers->{extra_loader_test4})), 'verbose table'); is_deeply [ $source->primary_columns ], [ qw/event_id person_id/ ], 'composite primary key'; is ($source->relationships, 2, '2 foreign key constraints found'); }, }, ); $tester->run_tests(); END { unlink './t/sqlite_test'; }