# Test examples # $Revision: 1.9 $ # Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl t/testex.t' # vim: ts=4 sw=4 ft=perl $^W = 1; $| = 1; use strict; use Test; use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS ); use File::Spec; use IO::File; BEGIN { plan tests => 15, todo => [] } BEGIN { require 't/common.pl' } sub runPerlCommand { my $libs = join ( ' -I', @INC ); my $cmd = "\"$^X\" \"-I$libs\" -w \"". join('" "', @_). '"'; my $output = `$cmd`; return wantarray ? ( $?, $output ) : $?; } use constant FILENAME => File::Spec->catpath( '', TESTDIR, 'testing.txt' ); use constant ZFILENAME => TESTDIR . "/testing.txt"; # name in zip my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); $zip->addString( TESTSTRING, FILENAME ); $zip->writeToFileNamed(INPUTZIP); my ( $status, $output ); my $fh = IO::File->new( "test.log", "w" ); ok( runPerlCommand( 'examples/copy.pl', INPUTZIP, OUTPUTZIP ), 0 ); ok( runPerlCommand( 'examples/extract.pl', OUTPUTZIP, ZFILENAME ), 0 ); ok( runPerlCommand( 'examples/mfh.pl', INPUTZIP ), 0 ); ok( runPerlCommand( 'examples/zip.pl', OUTPUTZIP, INPUTZIP, FILENAME ), 0 ); ( $status, $output ) = runPerlCommand( 'examples/zipinfo.pl', INPUTZIP ); ok( $status, 0 ); $fh->print("zipinfo output:\n"); $fh->print($output); ( $status, $output ) = runPerlCommand( 'examples/ziptest.pl', INPUTZIP ); ok( $status, 0 ); $fh->print("ziptest output:\n"); $fh->print($output); ( $status, $output ) = runPerlCommand( 'examples/zipGrep.pl', '100', INPUTZIP ); ok( $status, 0 ); ok( $output, ZFILENAME . ":100\n" ); # calcSizes.pl # creates test.zip, may be sensitive to /dev/null # removed because requires IO::Scalar # ok( runPerlCommand('examples/readScalar.pl'), 0 ); unlink(OUTPUTZIP); ok( runPerlCommand( 'examples/selfex.pl', OUTPUTZIP, FILENAME ), 0 ); unlink(FILENAME); ok( runPerlCommand(OUTPUTZIP), 0 ); my $fn = File::Spec->catpath( '', File::Spec->catdir( 'extracted', TESTDIR ), 'testing.txt' ); ok( -f $fn, 1, "$fn exists" ); # unzipAll.pl # updateZip.pl # writeScalar.pl # zipcheck.pl # ziprecent.pl unlink(OUTPUTZIP); ok( runPerlCommand( 'examples/updateTree.pl', OUTPUTZIP, TESTDIR ), 0, "updateTree.pl create" ); ok( -f OUTPUTZIP, 1, "zip created" ); ok( runPerlCommand( 'examples/updateTree.pl', OUTPUTZIP, TESTDIR ), 0, "updateTree.pl update" ); ok( -f OUTPUTZIP, 1, "zip updated" ); unlink(OUTPUTZIP);