/*- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. * * Copyright (c) 1999,2008 Oracle. All rights reserved. * * $Id: mut_pthread.c,v 12.30 2008/01/08 20:58:43 bostic Exp $ */ #include "db_config.h" #include "db_int.h" /* * This is where we load in architecture/compiler specific mutex code. */ #define LOAD_ACTUAL_MUTEX_CODE #include "dbinc/mutex_int.h" #ifdef HAVE_MUTEX_SOLARIS_LWP #define pthread_cond_destroy(x) 0 #define pthread_cond_signal _lwp_cond_signal #define pthread_cond_wait _lwp_cond_wait #define pthread_mutex_destroy(x) 0 #define pthread_mutex_lock _lwp_mutex_lock #define pthread_mutex_trylock _lwp_mutex_trylock #define pthread_mutex_unlock _lwp_mutex_unlock #endif #ifdef HAVE_MUTEX_UI_THREADS #define pthread_cond_destroy(x) cond_destroy #define pthread_cond_signal cond_signal #define pthread_cond_wait cond_wait #define pthread_mutex_destroy mutex_destroy #define pthread_mutex_lock mutex_lock #define pthread_mutex_trylock mutex_trylock #define pthread_mutex_unlock mutex_unlock #endif #define PTHREAD_UNLOCK_ATTEMPTS 5 /* * IBM's MVS pthread mutex implementation returns -1 and sets errno rather than * returning errno itself. As -1 is not a valid errno value, assume functions * returning -1 have set errno. If they haven't, return a random error value. */ #define RET_SET(f, ret) do { \ if (((ret) = (f)) == -1 && ((ret) = errno) == 0) \ (ret) = EAGAIN; \ } while (0) /* * __db_pthread_mutex_init -- * Initialize a pthread mutex. * * PUBLIC: int __db_pthread_mutex_init __P((ENV *, db_mutex_t, u_int32_t)); */ int __db_pthread_mutex_init(env, mutex, flags) ENV *env; db_mutex_t mutex; u_int32_t flags; { DB_MUTEX *mutexp; DB_MUTEXMGR *mtxmgr; DB_MUTEXREGION *mtxregion; int ret; mtxmgr = env->mutex_handle; mtxregion = mtxmgr->reginfo.primary; mutexp = MUTEXP_SET(mutex); ret = 0; #ifdef HAVE_MUTEX_PTHREADS { pthread_condattr_t condattr, *condattrp = NULL; pthread_mutexattr_t mutexattr, *mutexattrp = NULL; if (!LF_ISSET(DB_MUTEX_PROCESS_ONLY)) { RET_SET((pthread_mutexattr_init(&mutexattr)), ret); #ifndef HAVE_MUTEX_THREAD_ONLY if (ret == 0) RET_SET((pthread_mutexattr_setpshared( &mutexattr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED)), ret); #endif mutexattrp = &mutexattr; } if (ret == 0) RET_SET((pthread_mutex_init(&mutexp->mutex, mutexattrp)), ret); if (mutexattrp != NULL) (void)pthread_mutexattr_destroy(mutexattrp); if (ret == 0 && LF_ISSET(DB_MUTEX_SELF_BLOCK)) { if (!LF_ISSET(DB_MUTEX_PROCESS_ONLY)) { RET_SET((pthread_condattr_init(&condattr)), ret); if (ret == 0) { condattrp = &condattr; #ifndef HAVE_MUTEX_THREAD_ONLY RET_SET((pthread_condattr_setpshared( &condattr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED)), ret); #endif } } if (ret == 0) RET_SET( (pthread_cond_init(&mutexp->cond, condattrp)), ret); F_SET(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_SELF_BLOCK); if (condattrp != NULL) (void)pthread_condattr_destroy(condattrp); } } #endif #ifdef HAVE_MUTEX_SOLARIS_LWP /* * XXX * Gcc complains about missing braces in the static initializations of * lwp_cond_t and lwp_mutex_t structures because the structures contain * sub-structures/unions and the Solaris include file that defines the * initialization values doesn't have surrounding braces. There's not * much we can do. */ if (LF_ISSET(DB_MUTEX_PROCESS_ONLY)) { static lwp_mutex_t mi = DEFAULTMUTEX; mutexp->mutex = mi; } else { static lwp_mutex_t mi = SHAREDMUTEX; mutexp->mutex = mi; } if (LF_ISSET(DB_MUTEX_SELF_BLOCK)) { if (LF_ISSET(DB_MUTEX_PROCESS_ONLY)) { static lwp_cond_t ci = DEFAULTCV; mutexp->cond = ci; } else { static lwp_cond_t ci = SHAREDCV; mutexp->cond = ci; } F_SET(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_SELF_BLOCK); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_MUTEX_UI_THREADS { int type; type = LF_ISSET(DB_MUTEX_PROCESS_ONLY) ? USYNC_THREAD : USYNC_PROCESS; ret = mutex_init(&mutexp->mutex, type, NULL); if (ret == 0 && LF_ISSET(DB_MUTEX_SELF_BLOCK)) { ret = cond_init(&mutexp->cond, type, NULL); F_SET(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_SELF_BLOCK); }} #endif if (ret != 0) { __db_err(env, ret, "unable to initialize mutex"); } return (ret); } /* * __db_pthread_mutex_lock * Lock on a mutex, blocking if necessary. * * PUBLIC: int __db_pthread_mutex_lock __P((ENV *, db_mutex_t)); */ int __db_pthread_mutex_lock(env, mutex) ENV *env; db_mutex_t mutex; { DB_ENV *dbenv; DB_MUTEX *mutexp; DB_MUTEXMGR *mtxmgr; DB_MUTEXREGION *mtxregion; int i, ret; dbenv = env->dbenv; if (!MUTEX_ON(env) || F_ISSET(dbenv, DB_ENV_NOLOCKING)) return (0); mtxmgr = env->mutex_handle; mtxregion = mtxmgr->reginfo.primary; mutexp = MUTEXP_SET(mutex); CHECK_MTX_THREAD(env, mutexp); #if defined(HAVE_STATISTICS) && !defined(HAVE_MUTEX_HYBRID) /* * We want to know which mutexes are contentious, but don't want to * do an interlocked test here -- that's slower when the underlying * system has adaptive mutexes and can perform optimizations like * spinning only if the thread holding the mutex is actually running * on a CPU. Make a guess, using a normal load instruction. */ if (F_ISSET(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_LOCKED)) ++mutexp->mutex_set_wait; else ++mutexp->mutex_set_nowait; #endif RET_SET((pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexp->mutex)), ret); if (ret != 0) goto err; if (F_ISSET(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_SELF_BLOCK)) { /* * If we are using hybrid mutexes then the pthread mutexes * are only used to wait after spinning on the TAS mutex. * Set the wait flag before checking to see if the mutex * is still locked. The holder will clear the bit before * checking the wait flag. */ #ifdef HAVE_MUTEX_HYBRID mutexp->wait++; MUTEX_MEMBAR(mutexp->wait); #endif while (F_ISSET(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_LOCKED)) { RET_SET((pthread_cond_wait( &mutexp->cond, &mutexp->mutex)), ret); /* * !!! * Solaris bug workaround: * pthread_cond_wait() sometimes returns ETIME -- out * of sheer paranoia, check both ETIME and ETIMEDOUT. * We believe this happens when the application uses * SIGALRM for some purpose, e.g., the C library sleep * call, and Solaris delivers the signal to the wrong * LWP. */ if (ret != 0 && ret != EINTR && #ifdef ETIME ret != ETIME && #endif ret != ETIMEDOUT) { (void)pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexp->mutex); goto err; } } #ifdef HAVE_MUTEX_HYBRID mutexp->wait--; #else F_SET(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_LOCKED); dbenv->thread_id(dbenv, &mutexp->pid, &mutexp->tid); #endif /* * According to HP-UX engineers contacted by Netscape, * pthread_mutex_unlock() will occasionally return EFAULT * for no good reason on mutexes in shared memory regions, * and the correct caller behavior is to try again. Do * so, up to PTHREAD_UNLOCK_ATTEMPTS consecutive times. * Note that we don't bother to restrict this to HP-UX; * it should be harmless elsewhere. [#2471] */ i = PTHREAD_UNLOCK_ATTEMPTS; do { RET_SET((pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexp->mutex)), ret); } while (ret == EFAULT && --i > 0); if (ret != 0) goto err; } else { #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC if (F_ISSET(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_LOCKED)) { char buf[DB_THREADID_STRLEN]; (void)dbenv->thread_id_string(dbenv, mutexp->pid, mutexp->tid, buf); __db_errx(env, "pthread lock failed: lock currently in use: pid/tid: %s", buf); ret = EINVAL; goto err; } #endif F_SET(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_LOCKED); dbenv->thread_id(dbenv, &mutexp->pid, &mutexp->tid); } #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC /* * We want to switch threads as often as possible. Yield every time * we get a mutex to ensure contention. */ if (F_ISSET(dbenv, DB_ENV_YIELDCPU)) __os_yield(env, 0, 0); #endif return (0); err: __db_err(env, ret, "pthread lock failed"); return (__env_panic(env, ret)); } /* * __db_pthread_mutex_unlock -- * Release a mutex. * * PUBLIC: int __db_pthread_mutex_unlock __P((ENV *, db_mutex_t)); */ int __db_pthread_mutex_unlock(env, mutex) ENV *env; db_mutex_t mutex; { DB_ENV *dbenv; DB_MUTEX *mutexp; DB_MUTEXMGR *mtxmgr; DB_MUTEXREGION *mtxregion; int i, ret; dbenv = env->dbenv; if (!MUTEX_ON(env) || F_ISSET(dbenv, DB_ENV_NOLOCKING)) return (0); mtxmgr = env->mutex_handle; mtxregion = mtxmgr->reginfo.primary; mutexp = MUTEXP_SET(mutex); #if !defined(HAVE_MUTEX_HYBRID) && defined(DIAGNOSTIC) if (!F_ISSET(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_LOCKED)) { __db_errx( env, "pthread unlock failed: lock already unlocked"); return (__env_panic(env, EACCES)); } #endif if (F_ISSET(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_SELF_BLOCK)) { RET_SET((pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexp->mutex)), ret); if (ret != 0) goto err; F_CLR(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_LOCKED); RET_SET((pthread_cond_signal(&mutexp->cond)), ret); if (ret != 0) goto err; } else F_CLR(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_LOCKED); /* See comment above; workaround for [#2471]. */ i = PTHREAD_UNLOCK_ATTEMPTS; do { RET_SET((pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexp->mutex)), ret); } while (ret == EFAULT && --i > 0); err: if (ret != 0) { __db_err(env, ret, "pthread unlock failed"); return (__env_panic(env, ret)); } return (ret); } /* * __db_pthread_mutex_destroy -- * Destroy a mutex. * * PUBLIC: int __db_pthread_mutex_destroy __P((ENV *, db_mutex_t)); */ int __db_pthread_mutex_destroy(env, mutex) ENV *env; db_mutex_t mutex; { DB_MUTEX *mutexp; DB_MUTEXMGR *mtxmgr; DB_MUTEXREGION *mtxregion; int ret, t_ret; if (!MUTEX_ON(env)) return (0); mtxmgr = env->mutex_handle; mtxregion = mtxmgr->reginfo.primary; mutexp = MUTEXP_SET(mutex); ret = 0; if (F_ISSET(mutexp, DB_MUTEX_SELF_BLOCK)) { RET_SET((pthread_cond_destroy(&mutexp->cond)), ret); if (ret != 0) __db_err(env, ret, "unable to destroy cond"); } RET_SET((pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutexp->mutex)), t_ret); if (t_ret != 0) { __db_err(env, t_ret, "unable to destroy mutex"); if (ret == 0) ret = t_ret; } return (ret); }