hash_reclaim.c   [plain text]

 * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
 * Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
 * $Id: hash_reclaim.c,v 12.11 2008/01/08 20:58:34 bostic Exp $

#include "db_config.h"

#include "db_int.h"
#include "dbinc/db_page.h"
#include "dbinc/hash.h"

 * __ham_reclaim --
 *	Reclaim the pages from a subdatabase and return them to the
 * parent free list.  For now, we link each freed page on the list
 * separately.  If people really store hash databases in subdatabases
 * and do a lot of creates and deletes, this is going to be a problem,
 * because hash needs chunks of contiguous storage.  We may eventually
 * need to go to a model where we maintain the free list with chunks of
 * contiguous pages as well.
 * PUBLIC: int __ham_reclaim __P((DB *, DB_THREAD_INFO *, DB_TXN *txn));
__ham_reclaim(dbp, ip, txn)
	DB *dbp;
	DB_TXN *txn;
	DBC *dbc;
	int ret;

	/* Open up a cursor that we'll use for traversing. */
	if ((ret = __db_cursor(dbp, ip, txn, &dbc, 0)) != 0)
		return (ret);
	hcp = (HASH_CURSOR *)dbc->internal;

	if ((ret = __ham_get_meta(dbc)) != 0)
		goto err;

	/* Write lock the metapage for deallocations. */
	if ((ret = __ham_dirty_meta(dbc, 0)) != 0)
		goto err;

	/* Avoid locking every page, we have the handle locked exclusive. */

	if ((ret = __ham_traverse(dbc,
	    DB_LOCK_WRITE, __db_reclaim_callback, NULL, 1)) != 0)
		goto err;
	if ((ret = __dbc_close(dbc)) != 0)
		goto err;
	if ((ret = __ham_release_meta(dbc)) != 0)
		goto err;
	return (0);

err:	if (hcp->hdr != NULL)
	return (ret);

 * __ham_truncate --
 *	Reclaim the pages from a subdatabase and return them to the
 * parent free list.
 * PUBLIC: int __ham_truncate __P((DBC *, u_int32_t *));
__ham_truncate(dbc, countp)
	DBC *dbc;
	u_int32_t *countp;
	u_int32_t count;
	int ret, t_ret;

	if ((ret = __ham_get_meta(dbc)) != 0)
		return (ret);

	count = 0;

	ret = __ham_traverse(dbc,
	    DB_LOCK_WRITE, __db_truncate_callback, &count, 1);

	if ((t_ret = __ham_release_meta(dbc)) != 0 && ret == 0)
		ret = t_ret;

	if (countp != NULL)
		*countp = count;
	return (ret);