Xindex   [plain text]

#! /bin/sh
# $Id: Xindex,v 10.25 2008/01/08 20:58:22 bostic Exp $

test -d $BDB_SRC -a -d $TARGET || {
	echo "Xindex: \$BDB_SRC or \$TARGET not set"
	exit 1

# Build the HTML from the index.
# $1 API Name
# $2 API Directory name
	echo '<html>'
	echo '<head>'
	echo "<title>Berkeley DB: $1 API Index</title>"
	echo '<meta name="description" content="Berkeley DB: An embedded database programmatic toolkit.">'
	echo '<meta name="keywords" content="embedded,database,programmatic,toolkit,btree,hash,hashing,transaction,transactions,locking,logging,access method,access methods,java,C,C++">'
	echo '</head>'
	echo '<body bgcolor=white>'
	echo "<h1 align=center>$1 API Index</h1>"
	echo "<center>"
	echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>"

	# The reference guide is done using the C_API, so we have to
	# copy references from it for the C++ API.
	(cat $BDB_SRC/docs_src/support/static.src $TARGET/$2/pindex.src;
	    egrep '^__APIREL__/ref/|^__APIREL__/ref_xml/' \
	    $TARGET/api_c/pindex.src) |
	sort -u |
	sort -f -t@ +1 |
	sed -f $BDB_SRC/docs_src/support/html.sed |
	sed -e 's/__APIREL__/../' \
	    -e 's/\([^ ]\)@/\1 @/' \
	    -e 's/^\([^ ]*\) \([^@]*\)@\([^ ]*\)\(.*\)/<tr><td align=right>\2<\/td><td>\&nbsp;<a href="\1">\3<\/a>\4<\/td><\/tr>/'

	echo "</table>"
	echo "</center>"
	echo "<p><font size=1>Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.</font>"
	echo "</body>"
	echo "</html>"

[ -f $TARGET/api_c/pindex.src ] &&
    build C api_c > $TARGET/api_c/c_pindex.html

[ -f $TARGET/api_cxx/pindex.src ] &&
    build C++ api_cxx > $TARGET/api_cxx/cxx_pindex.html

[ -f $TARGET/api_tcl/pindex.src ] &&
    build Tcl api_tcl > $TARGET/api_tcl/tcl_pindex.html
exit 0