# This awk script parses C input files looking for lines marked "PUBLIC:" # and "EXTERN:". (PUBLIC lines are DB internal function prototypes and # #defines, EXTERN are DB external function prototypes and #defines.) # # PUBLIC lines are put into two versions of per-directory include files: # one file that contains the prototypes, and one file that contains a # #define for the name to be processed during configuration when creating # unique names for every global C-language symbol in the DB library. # # The EXTERN lines are put into two files: one of which contains prototypes # which are always appended to the db.h file, and one of which contains a # #define list for use when creating unique symbol names. # # Four arguments: # e_dfile list of EXTERN #defines # e_pfile include file that contains EXTERN prototypes # i_dfile list of internal (PUBLIC) #defines # i_pfile include file that contains internal (PUBLIC) prototypes /PUBLIC:/ { sub("^.*PUBLIC:[ ][ ]*", "") if ($0 ~ "^#if|^#ifdef|^#ifndef|^#else|^#endif") { print $0 >> i_pfile print $0 >> i_dfile next } pline = sprintf("%s %s", pline, $0) if (pline ~ "\\)\\);") { sub("^[ ]*", "", pline) print pline >> i_pfile if (pline !~ db_version_unique_name) { gsub("[ ][ ]*__P.*", "", pline) sub("^.*[ ][*]*", "", pline) printf("#define %s %s@DB_VERSION_UNIQUE_NAME@\n", pline, pline) >> i_dfile } pline = "" } } /EXTERN:/ { sub("^.*EXTERN:[ ][ ]*", "") if ($0 ~ "^#if|^#ifdef|^#ifndef|^#else|^#endif") { print $0 >> e_pfile print $0 >> e_dfile next } eline = sprintf("%s %s", eline, $0) if (eline ~ "\\)\\);") { sub("^[ ]*", "", eline) print eline >> e_pfile if (eline !~ db_version_unique_name) { gsub("[ ][ ]*__P.*", "", eline) sub("^.*[ ][*]*", "", eline) printf("#define %s %s@DB_VERSION_UNIQUE_NAME@\n", eline, eline) >> e_dfile } eline = "" } }