bdbread.mak   [plain text]

#  Name:
#    $(TARGET).MAK
#  Description:
#    Makefile to build the $(TARGET) downloadable module.
#   The following nmake targets are available in this makefile:
#     all           - make .elf and .mod image files (default)
#     clean         - delete object directory and image files
#     filename.o    - make object file
#   The above targets can be made with the following command:
#     nmake /f $(TARGET).mak [target]
#  Assumptions:
#    1. The environment variable ADSHOME is set to the root directory of the
#       arm tools.
#    2. The version of ADS is 1.2 or above.
#  Notes:
#    None.
#        Copyright © 2000-2003 QUALCOMM Incorporated.
#               All Rights Reserved.
#            QUALCOMM Proprietary/GTDR
TARGET         =D:\DB7588~1.BRE\BUILD_~1\bdb_brew
APP_INCLUDES   =  -I ..\build_brew  -I ..

# Target file name and type definitions

EXETYPE    = elf                # Target image file format
MODULE     = mod                # Downloadable module extension

# Target compile time symbol definitions
# Tells the SDK source stuffs that we're building a dynamic app.


# Software tool and environment definitions


ARMBIN = $(ARM_HOME)\bin        # ARM ADS application directory
ARMINC = $(ARM_HOME)\include    # ARM ADS include file directory
ARMLIB = $(ARM_HOME)\lib        # ARM ADS library directory

ARMCC   = $(ARMBIN)\armcc       # ARM ADS ARM 32-bit inst. set ANSI C compiler
LD      = $(ARMBIN)\armlink     # ARM ADS linker
HEXTOOL = $(ARMBIN)\fromelf     # ARM ADS utility to create hex file from image

OBJ_CMD    = -o                 # Command line option to specify output filename

# Processor architecture options

CPU = -cpu ARM7TDMI             # ARM7TDMI target processor

# ARM Procedure Call Standard (APCS) options

ROPI     = ropi                 # Read-Only(code) Position independence
INTERWRK = interwork            # Allow ARM-Thumb interworking

APCS = -apcs /$(ROPI)/$(INTERWRK)/norwpi

# Additional compile time error checking options

CHK = -fa                       # Check for data flow anomolies

# Compiler output options

OUT = -c                        # Object file output only

# Compiler/assembler debug options

DBG = -g                        # Enable debug

# Compiler optimization options

OPT = -Ospace -O2               # Full compiler optimization for space

# Compiler code generation options

END = -littleend                # Compile for little endian memory architecture
ZA  = -zo                       # LDR may only access 32-bit aligned addresses

CODE = $(END) $(ZA)

# Include file search path options


# Compiler pragma emulation options

# Linker options

LINK_CMD = -o                    #Command line option to specify output file
                                 #on linking

ROPILINK = -ropi                 #Link image as Read-Only Position Independent

LINK_ORDER = -first AEEMod_Load

# HEXTOOL options


# Compiler flag definitions


# Linker flag definitions

# the -entry flag is not really needed, but it keeps the linker from reporting
# warning L6305W (no entry point).  The address
LFLAGS = $(ROPILINK) -rwpi -entry 0x8000#

# Default target

all :  $(TARGET).$(MODULE)

# Clean target

# The object subdirectory, target image file, and target hex file are deleted.

clean :
        @echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
        @echo CLEAN
        -del /f $(OBJS)
        -del /f $(TARGET).$(EXETYPE)
        -del /f $(TARGET).$(MODULE)
        @echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

#                           DEFAULT SUFFIX RULES

# The following are the default suffix rules used to compile all objects that
# are not specifically included in one of the module specific rules defined
# in the next section.

# The following macros are used to specify the output object file, MSG_FILE
# symbol definition and input source file on the compile line in the rules
# defined below.

SRC_FILE = $(@F:.o=.c)                  # Input source file specification
OBJ_FILE = $(OBJ_CMD) $(@F)   # Output object file specification

.SUFFIXES : .o .dep .c

# C code inference rules

        @echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
        @echo OBJECT $(@F)
        $(ARMCC) $(CFLAGS) $(INC) $(OBJ_FILE) $(SRC_FILE)
        @echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

        @echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
        @echo OBJECT $(@F)
        $(ARMCC) -S -fs $(CFLAGS) $(INC) $(OBJ_FILE) $<
        @echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

        @echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
        @echo OBJECT $(@F)
        @echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

#                           MODULE SPECIFIC RULES


# Lib file targets

        @echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
        @echo TARGET $@

        @echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
        @echo TARGET $@

# Applet Specific Rules

RULE1 = ..\clib
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE2 = ..\btree
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE3 = ..\db
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE4 = ..\common
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE5 = ..\os_brew
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE6 = ..\env
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE7 = ..\dbreg
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE8 = ..\fileops
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE9 = ..\hash
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE10 = ..\hmac
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE11 = ..\lock
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE12 = ..\log
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE13 = ..\mp
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE14 = ..\mutex
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE15 = ..\os
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE16 = ..\qam
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE17 = ..\rep
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE18 = ..\txn
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

RULE19 = ..\xa
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
RULE20 = ..\bdbread
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo OBJECT $(@F)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------

bdbread.o : ..\bdbread\bdbread.c
AEEModGen.o : ..\bdbread\AEEModGen.c
AEEAppGen.o : ..\bdbread\AEEAppGen.c