test_micro   [plain text]

#! /bin/sh
# $Id: test_micro,v 1.38 2007/06/07 14:01:11 moshen Exp $

# We need a temporary file, and we need to clean it up after failure.
trap 'rm -f $tmp t; exit 0' 0 1 2 3 13 15

# Use our pathname to locate the absolute path for our SOURCES.
t=`dirname $0`
h=`(cd $t && echo $PWD)`

# header --
#	Output HTML page header.
#	$1: directory name.
	echo "<html>"
	echo "<head>"
	machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*\.//'`
	echo "<title>Berkeley DB test_micro run: $machine</title>"
	echo "</head>"
	echo "<body bgcolor=white>"
	echo "<center><h1>Berkeley DB test_micro run: $machine</h1></center>"
	echo "<p align=right>`date`</p>"
	test -f UNAME && cat UNAME

# footer --
#	Output HTML page footer.
	echo "</body>"
	echo "</html>"

# table --
#	Create a table.
#	$1: output file
	title="Test $1: `egrep '^#' $1 | sed 's/^#[	 ]*//'`"
	echo "<hr size=1 noshade>"
	echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>"
	echo "<th align=left colspan=2>$title</th>"
	echo "<tr>"
	echo "<th align=right>Release</th>"
	echo "<th align=center>Operations/second</th>"
	echo "</tr>"

	max=`egrep -v '^#' $1 | sort -n -k 2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}'`
	egrep -v '^#' $1 | while true; do
		read r v
		if [ "X$r" = "X" ]; then
		echo "<tr>"
		echo "<td align=right width=80><pre>$r</pre></td>"
		echo "<td>"
		echo "<table>"
		echo "<tr>"
		t=`echo "400 * ($v/($max + $max/10))" | bc -l`
		t=`printf %.0f $t`
		echo "<td bgcolor='#003366' width=$t>&nbsp;</td>"
		t=`echo "400 - $t" | bc`
		echo "<td bgcolor='#CCCCCC' width=$t>&nbsp;</td>"
		echo "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>"
		echo "<td align=right width=100><pre>$v</pre></td>"
		pct=`echo "(($max - $v) / $max) * 100" | bc -l`
		if [ "$pct" = "0" ]; then
			echo "<td></td>"
			pct=`printf "(-%.0f%%)" $pct`
			echo "<td align=right width=50><pre>$pct</pre></td>"
		echo "</tr>"
		echo "</table>"
		echo "</tr>"
	echo "</table>"

# dir --
#	Create a directory for the run
	rundir=RUN.`hostname | sed 's/\..*//'`
	[ -d $rundir ] || mkdir $rundir

# identify --
#	Identify the machine.
	if [ "$CC" = "gcc" ]; then
		CC="$CC -O3 -Wall -lpthread"
		CC="$CC -O"
	$CC -I. $h/SOURCE/uname.c -o t $LIBS
	./t | sed 's/CYGWIN_NT/Windows/' > $tmp
	if test "$?" -eq 0; then
		cp $tmp $rundir/UNAME
	rm -f t

# build_posix
#	Build a test on a POSIX system.
#	$1: test program source
	rm -f t
	sleep 1

	if [ "$CC" = "gcc" ]; then
		CC="$CC -O3 -Wall -lpthread"
		CC="$CC -O"
	$CC -I. $h/SOURCE/$1 -o t libdb.a $LIBS || return 1

	./t $2
	return $?

# build_windows
#	Build a test on a Windows system.
#	$1: test program source
#	$2: arguments to the test program
	rm -f t.exe

	cl /nologo /o t -I.. -I../.. /DDB_WIN32 /G6 \
	    /Ox /MD ../../../$h/SOURCE/$1 ../../clib/getopt.c \
	    libdb*.lib ws2_32.lib advapi32.lib > /dev/null || return 1

	./t $2
	return $?

# runone --
#	Run a single test case.
#	$1: test number
#	$2: input source file
#	$3: command

	# You can set the MAJOR and MINOR environment variables to limit
	# the BDB releases on which the tests are run.
	for i in db-${MAJOR:-*}.${MINOR-*}.*; do
		echo "Test${1}: $i ($2: $3) ..."
		if [ -f $i/build_unix/libdb.a ] ; then
			(cd $i/build_unix/ &&
			    build_posix "$2" "$3") >> $tmp
		elif [ -f $i/build_win*/Release/libdb??.lib ] ; then
			(cd $i/build_win*/Release &&
			    build_windows "$2" "$3") >> $tmp
	cat $tmp | sort -r -n -k 2 | sort -u -k 1,2 > $rundir/$1

# Run the workload test case, and collate the data.
	CONFIGS[0]='-w A -v -c 100000 -o -t hash'
	CONFIGS[1]='-w A -v -c 100000 -o -t btree'
	CONFIGS[2]='-w A -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 32768 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[3]='-w A -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 32768 -t btree'
	CONFIGS[4]='-w A -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 8192 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[5]='-w A -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 8192 -t btree'
	CONFIGS[6]='-w A -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 4096 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[7]='-w A -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 4096 -t btree'
	CONFIGS[8]='-w A -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[9]='-w A -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t btree'
	CONFIGS[10]='-w A -v -c 10000 -g 10 -d 256 -p 1024 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[11]='-w A -v -c 10000 -g 10 -d 256 -p 1024 -t btree'
	CONFIGS[12]='-w F -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[13]='-w F -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t btree'
	CONFIGS[14]='-w G -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[15]='-w G -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t btree'
	# Run put/get(G) with different page sizes, since fill factor
	# is interesting when not deleting all of the elements.
	CONFIGS[16]='-w E -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 32768 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[17]='-w E -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 32768 -t btree'
	CONFIGS[18]='-w E -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 8192 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[19]='-w E -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 8192 -t btree'
	CONFIGS[20]='-w E -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 4096 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[21]='-w E -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 4096 -t btree'
	CONFIGS[22]='-w E -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[23]='-w E -v -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t btree'
	CONFIGS[24]='-w E -v -c 10000 -g 10 -d 256 -p 1024 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[25]='-w E -v -c 10000 -g 10 -d 256 -p 1024 -t btree'
	CONFIGS[26]='-w E -v -c 100000 -g 10 -o -d 10 -p 1024 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[27]='-w E -v -c 100000 -g 10 -o -d 10 -p 1024 -t btree'

	CONFIGS[28]='-w A -v -c 10000 -g 10 -d 1024 -p 512 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[29]='-w A -v -c 10000 -g 10 -d 1024 -p 512 -t btree'
	CONFIGS[30]='-w H -v -c 1000000 -d 20 -p 8192 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[31]='-w H -v -c 1000000 -d 20 -p 8192 -t btree'
	CONFIGS[32]='-w H -v -c 1000000 -d 20 -p 512 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[33]='-w H -v -c 1000000 -d 20 -p 512 -t btree'
	CONFIGS[34]='-w H -v -c 10000000 -d 20 -p 512 -t hash'
	CONFIGS[35]='-w H -v -c 10000000 -d 20 -p 512 -t btree'

	# Create a directory to output info, ensure it is empty.
	rm -rf RESULTS && mkdir RESULTS

	for i in db-${MAJOR:-*}.${MINOR-*}.*; do
		if [ -f $i/build_unix/libdb.a ] ; then
			cd $i/build_unix/ &&
			build_posix b_workload.c || continue
		elif [ -f $i/build_win*/Release/libdb??.lib ] ; then
			cd $i/build_win*/Release &&
			build_windows b_workload.c || continue

		# Run the actual tests.		
		while test $index -lt $MAX_CONFIGS; do
			echo -n "."
			echo "$i:${CONFIGS[$index]}" >> $res_dir/$index
			./t ${CONFIGS[$index]} -m $i >> $res_dir/$index
			index=`expr $index + 1`

# run --
#	Run a test.
#	$1: test to run
	case $1 in

	# Open in-memory database.
	 1) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -t btree";;
	 2) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -t hash";;
	 3) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -t queue";;
	 4) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -t recno";;

	# Open named in-memory database.
	 5) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -d -t btree";;
	 6) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -d -t hash";;
	 7) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -d -t queue";;
	 8) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -d -t recno";;

	# Open database.
	 9) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -f -t btree";;
	10) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -f -t hash";;
	11) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -f -t queue";;
	12) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -f -t recno";;

	# Open sub-database.
	13) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -fd -t btree";;
	14) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -fd -t hash";;
	15) runone $1 b_open.c "-c 10000 -fd -t recno";;

	16) runone $1 b_get.c "-c 1000000 -t btree";;
	17) runone $1 b_get.c "-c 1000000 -t hash";;
	18) runone $1 b_get.c "-c 1000000 -t queue";;
	19) runone $1 b_get.c "-c 1000000 -t recno";;

	20) runone $1 b_put.c "-c 1000000 -t btree";;
	21) runone $1 b_put.c "-c 1000000 -t hash";;
	22) runone $1 b_put.c "-c 1000000 -t queue";;
	23) runone $1 b_put.c "-c 1000000 -t recno";;
	24) runone $1 b_put.c "-c 100000 -d 204800 -t btree";;
	25) runone $1 b_put.c "-c 100000 -d 204800 -t hash";;
	26) runone $1 b_put.c "-c 100000 -d 204800 -t recno";;
	27) runone $1 b_put.c "-c 1000000 -s 10 -t btree";;
	28) runone $1 b_put.c "-c 1000000 -s 10 -t hash";;
	29) runone $1 b_put.c "-c 1000000 -s 10 -t queue";;
	30) runone $1 b_put.c "-c 1000000 -s 10 -t recno";;

	31) runone $1 b_curalloc.c "-c 1000000";;

	32) runone $1 b_load.c "-c 1000000 -t btree";;
	33) runone $1 b_load.c "-c 100000 -t hash";;
	34) runone $1 b_load.c "-c 1000000 -t queue";;
	35) runone $1 b_load.c "-c 1000000 -t recno";;
	36) runone $1 b_load.c "-d -c 1000000 -t btree";;
	37) runone $1 b_load.c "-d -c 1000000 -t hash";;

	38) runone $1 b_del.c "-c 100000 -t btree";;
	39) runone $1 b_del.c "-c 100000 -t hash";;
	40) runone $1 b_del.c "-c 100000 -t queue";;
	41) runone $1 b_del.c "-c 100000 -t recno";;
	42) runone $1 b_del.c "-C -c 100000 -t btree";;
	43) runone $1 b_del.c "-C -c 100000 -t hash";;
	44) runone $1 b_del.c "-C -c 100000 -t queue";;
	45) runone $1 b_del.c "-C -c 100000 -t recno";;

	# Cursor next walk.
	46) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100000 -t btree -w 100";;
	47) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100000 -t hash -w 100";;
	48) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100000 -t queue -w 100";;
	49) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100000 -t recno -w 100";;

	# Cursor prev walk.
	50) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100000 -p -t btree -w 100";;
	51) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100000 -p -t hash -w 100";;
	52) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100000 -p -t queue -w 100";;
	53) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100000 -p -t recno -w 100";;

	# Cursor next walk with 10 unsorted duplicates.
	54) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 10000 -d 10 -t btree -w 100";;
	55) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 10000 -d 10 -t hash -w 100";;

	# Cursor next walk with 1000 unsorted duplicates.
	56) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100 -d 1000 -t btree -w 100";;
	57) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100 -d 1000 -t hash -w 100";;

	# Cursor prev walk with 1000 unsorted duplicates.
	58) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100 -d 1000 -p -t btree -w 100";;
	59) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100 -d 1000 -p -t hash -w 100";;

	# Cursor next walk with 10 sorted duplicates.
	60) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 10000 -d 10 -s -t btree -w 100";;
	61) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 10000 -d 10 -s -t hash -w 100";;

	# Cursor next walk with 1000 sorted duplicates.
	62) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100 -d 1000 -s -t btree -w 100";;
	63) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100 -d 1000 -s -t hash -w 100";;

	# Cursor prev walk with 1000 sorted duplicates.
	64) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100 -d 1000 -ps -t btree -w 100";;
	65) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100 -d 1000 -ps -t hash -w 100";;

	# Cursor next-nodup walk with 1000 sorted duplicates.
	66) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100 -d 1000 -Ss -t btree -w 100";;
	67) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100 -d 1000 -Ss -t hash -w 100";;

	# Cursor prev-nodup walk with 1000 sorted duplicates.
	68) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100 -d 1000 -pSs -t btree -w 100";;
	69) runone $1 b_curwalk.c "-c 100 -d 1000 -pSs -t hash -w 100";;

	70) runone $1 b_txn.c "-c 1000000";;
	71) runone $1 b_txn.c "-a -c 1000000";;

	72) runone $1 b_txn_write.c "-c 10000";;
	73) runone $1 b_txn_write.c "-a -c 100000";;
	74) runone $1 b_txn_write.c "-w -c 100000";;
	75) runone $1 b_txn_write.c "-r -c 10000";;
	76) runone $1 b_txn_write.c "-ar -c 100000";;
	77) runone $1 b_txn_write.c "-rw -c 100000";;

	78) runone $1 b_recover.c "-c 1000000";;

	79) runone $1 b_workload.c "-w A -c 100000 -o -t hash";;
	80) runone $1 b_workload.c "-w A -c 100000 -o -t btree";;

	# Try the workload test case, with put/get/del and different
	# page/data sizes.
	81) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w A -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 32768 -t hash";;
	82) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w A -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 32768 -t btree";;
	83) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w A -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 8192 -t hash";;
	84) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w A -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 8192 -t btree";;
	85) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w A -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 4096 -t hash";;
	86) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w A -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 4096 -t btree";;
	87) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w A -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t hash";;
	88) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w A -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t btree";;
	89) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w A -c 100000 -g 10 -d 256 -p 1024 -t hash";;
	90) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w A -c 100000 -g 10 -d 256 -p 1024 -t btree";;

	# Workload test case with put/get
	91) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w E -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t hash";;
	92) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w E -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t btree";;

	# Workload test case with put/delete
	93) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w F -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t hash";;
	94) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w F -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t btree";;

	# Workload test case with get/delete
	95) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w G -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t hash";;
	96) runone $1 b_workload.c \
	    "-w G -c 100000 -g 10 -d 20 -p 1024 -t btree";;
	97) runone $1 b_workload.c "-w H -c 10000000 -d 20 -p 1024 -t hash";;

	# Speed tests.
	 98) runone $1 inmem.c "-d 32 -k 8 -o 1000000 -p 32768 read";;
	 99) runone $1 inmem.c "-d 32 -k 8 -o 100000 -p 32768 bulk";;
	100) runone $1 inmem.c "-d 32 -k 8 -o 1000000 -p 32768 write";;
	101) runone $1 inmem.c "-d 32 -k 8 -o 1000000 -p 32768 txn-read";;
	102) runone $1 inmem.c "-d 32 -k 8 -o 1000000 -p 32768 txn-write";;
	103) runone $1 inmem.c "-d 32 -k 8 -o 1000000 -p 32768 txn-nosync";;
	104) runone $1 inmem.c \
	    "-d 32 -k 8 -o 1000000 -p 32768 txn-write-nosync";;
	105) runone $1 inmem.c "-d 32 -k 8 -o 100000 -p 32768 txn-sync";;

		echo "r: unknown test: $1"
		exit 1;;


if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
	while [ $next -le $maxtest ] ; do
		run $next
		next=`expr $next + 1`
	while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
		case $1 in
		*-*)				# Range: -3, 3-, 3-10
			next=`echo $1|sed 's/-.*//'`
			last=`echo $1|sed 's/.*-//'`
			while [ $next -le $last ] ; do
				run $next
				next=`expr $next + 1`
		[1-9]*)				# Specific test
			run $1
			for i in RUN.*; do
				echo "Building $i..."
				(cd $i
				header $i
				for j in `ls [0-9]* | sort -n`; do
					table $j
				footer) > $i/test_micro.html
			echo 'usage: r [# | #- | -# | #-# | html]'
			exit 1;;

exit 0